Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Junior Member
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Where's the crater impact? Where do you get that everyone knows it's Israel? Twitter where it's filled with Muslims?
It wouldn’t be the first time. Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza in 2014:
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Hard to believe, but the EU is finally showing some backbone: “Attacks on civilian infrastructure are against the law”, said the EU council president Charles Michel, referring to the widescale destruction in Gaza.


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Iran has run up a black flag with inscription that reads "victory from god is near" above shrine of imam rida. If this flag goes down and a red flag is raised then an attack is imminent.
They should stop bringing religion into it. Its just a way to galvanise the gullible masses. Else when they mobilised Shias all over the region to go help them act as cannon fodder to save their ally Assad regime in Syria against the mostly Sunni muslim rebels was it also an impeding "victory from GOD"? LOL
Countries have their own geopolitical considerations and national interests . All this use of religion is just another tool authorities in the middle east use to further their interests and fool.the masses . We'll, that's what happens when you also have a mostly religious oriented country..beat way to control/use them is to use religion.


Junior Member
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Big missile and rocket attack? Outside of the small ground raids. I doubt Hezbollah will make any major ground move into the conflict until Israel makes a move on Gaza
Will be interesting to see if Hezbollah wants to drag Lebanon (which they have already taken hostage ) in the war since this militia group has already undermine the Lebanese state and military to a point where the Lebanese government/state is just a decoration now. They don't get to decide anything about going to war or not That's what happens when a militia group takes over control of a country I guess. Lol
Anyway, let's see how this will play out. Will be interesting to see an all out war again between Hezbollah (Lebanon) and Israel again. The only thing I that Lebanon is a bankrupt state already asking handouts from the US/Western control IMF/World Bank and Arab states like KSA/UAE . So difficult to see how they afford another war with Israel, since Israel will make sure rhey destroy their whole infrastructure again just like in 2006 which also contributed to the economic crises they faced years later. Rebuilding a country in ruins is not easy, much less a bankrupt one at that.. So let's see if they have what it takes to fight another war. However, I'm not optimistic about that for Lebanon to be honest.


Junior Member
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The picture shows:
  • glass in the windows within 100m from the crater
  • leaves on the trees within 20-30m
  • light vehicles almost unaffected by the blast almost at the point of detonation
  • undamaged EV panels
  • minimal disruption of roof tiles
  • etc
There is also no crater caused by impact-fuzed detonation. A bomb travelling at 600km/h has sufficient kinetic energy to bury itself in the ground before the fuze works.

This wasn't a HE detonation of a general purpose aerial bomb of mass 500lb and above. HE detonation is so fast that it creates a uniform spherical overpressure front with equal distribution of energy on its surface that disperses over range. This was a much smaller blast of a low-grade improvised general explosive.

None of the cars around has its body damaged by pressure blast but all caught fire to flammable elements like tires so there was sufficient heat. This is what a propellant does when it burns up uncontrollably.

The difference between HE and propellant is in time of combustion. HE needs to combust "explosively" i.e. almost instantly otherwise the energy of the pressure front will dissipate before a shockwave is formed. Propellant needs to combust fast enough to create kinetic energy but not fast enough that it can't be directed by either a barrel or an exhaust.

This picture looks exactly what a low-tech missile used by Hamas or Islamic Jihad would do if it failed shortly after launch, fell to the ground where warhead is detonated and the rest of the propellant burns up. And that is IDFs official explanation. This picture matches what should be expected in such case.

There is also no way such explosion could have killed or even wounded 500 people. The people in hospistals are inside the hospital.

Even direct hit from a HE bomb would have to be very lucky to cause so many casualties. Hospitals - even in places such as Gaza - are designed to higher standards than regular residential buildings. Among those standards one of the most important one is fire protection which requires specific fire resistance to structural elements. That resistance comes with physical properties sufficient for blast resistance as well. Hospitals are highest threat category for occupants so they are always sturdy buildings with good protections compared to all other buildings in any jurisdiction. Residential buildings, including multi-storey apartment buildings are on the lowest rung, second only to single family dwellings which often don't meet any safety requirements at all and are subject to separate or simpler rules.

You can't judge the quality of a hospital based on the quality of general construction in the area. The details are invisible to the eye - they're in quality of materials, size of reinforcement of concrete structures etc. The same geometrical structural element made with lower class concrete and minimal reinforcement will break when hit by a blast from a 500lb bomb and withstand a 2000lb with just slight upgrade to concrete and steel density. Explosion craters can differ in size simply because of the density of the substrate under low or high category road. etc.

One of the reasons why Hamas regularly uses hospitals and schools and other public mass occupancy buildings is because of their quality both in terms of structural strength as functional space arrangement, multiple evacuation routes etc. Buildings which are designed to handle large masses of vulnerable people in a crisis - like all healthcare or education facilities - are really good for hiding militants in combat.

All in all it was a last-minute low-effort lie directed at useful idiots to cause uproar before Biden's visit. They're not even particularly interested in how it performs. They depended on you being so stupid as to argue its validity even after it completely loses all plausibility. This way you end up being the problem, and not the people who started the lie.

Useful idiocy is a story as old as time. The story of the psychopath always winning against the narcissist because the narcissist never thinks he isn't the smartest, bestest, most virtuousest, and all-around greatest person in the world. So how could someone use him as if he was just a regular idiot? That's impossible! You're the idiot!

A wise man will make a mistake once, but a fool will never make a mistake.

Aside from that, for those who claim that others should go back to Reddit:
SCS idiots 20231018.jpg

This doesn't look like reddit. At. All.

Have fun kids.
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
Hamas doesn't have any rocket that can hit something that big. Or any other Palestinian faction. Plus the sound is just like a JDAM.

Everyone knows it is Israel, including the West. But they can't say so openly because it would delegitimise the side they are backing.
JDAM sounds for comparison:
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