Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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The white bearded Valak dude in Tehran is really wearing me out at this point. Iranian officials should ignore this old dude.

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Come effing on!!
How hard can it be to test a effing nuke? :confused::confused:
If they test one in the current situation, they'll be hit with extreme sanctions and probably Israeli and US airstrikes. The Israelis appear to think that they're facing a second holocaust, even as they're doing the unspeakable acts against the Palestinians. Testing a bomb now is very dangerous. But keeping the option open isn much safer. If Israel starts another war of aggression against Iran, they'll have the perfect excuse to test a bomb and nobody will be able to complain after they just got attacked without provocation by a nuclear weapons state. But remaining a nuclear threshold state is really the best strategy


Lieutenant General
If they test one in the current situation, they'll be hit with extreme sanctions and probably Israeli and US airstrikes. The Israelis appear to think that they're facing a second holocaust, even as they're doing the unspeakable acts against the Palestinians. Testing a bomb now is very dangerous. But keeping the option open isn much safer. If Israel starts another war of aggression against Iran, they'll have the perfect excuse to test a bomb and nobody will be able to complain after they just got attacked without provocation by a nuclear weapons state. But remaining a nuclear threshold state is really the best strategy

Let’s be honest here, no one in their right mind seriously thinks Israel is facing a second holocaust or that anyone in the region has remotely the capabilities of inflicting that on Israel, especially since Israel has nukes as the final fallback safety net. After all, isn’t that the whole point of them having their not-so-secret ‘secret’ nukes?

A thousand dead, while a lot in absolute terms, is basically nothing in Middle East terms. Israel inflict at least that many dead on the Palestinians as collective punishment every time. The only difference this time is that the dead are Israelis instead of Palestinians, and that the Palestinians have actually managed to achieve a favourable KD ratio.

After Israel has secured its declared boarders, this whole thing is now about salving Israeli national pride, ugly vengeance seeking, and potentially opportunistically seeking to annex Gaza and even ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population of Gaza. That means it’s all by choice.

Invoking the holocaust as excuse and cover for such a brutal and ugly campaign of terror and bloodshed that is borne out of choice not necessity is to disgrace the true suffering and horrors of the actual holocaust.

There is no military solution to the Palestinian-Israeli problem. Even if Israel genocided all the Palestinians in Israeli and Palestine, there will still be millions of Palestinian refugees outside of Israeli with the whole world’s sympathies and an enraged Arab and Muslim world behind them. At that point not even the US will be able to continue to support Israel without finding itself on the wrong side of history and the loosing side of WWIII. So I guess in a way there is a military solution after all, but it’s not one the Israelis would want as it ultimately ends with two actual new holocausts and no more Israel.


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Let’s be honest here, no one in their right mind seriously thinks Israel is facing a second holocaust or that anyone in the region has remotely the capabilities of inflicting that on Israel, especially since Israel has nukes as the final fallback safety net. After all, isn’t that the whole point of them having their not-so-secret ‘secret’ nukes?
That's very true. But it doesn't matter whether it's a correct assessment, what matters is what the regime is thinking and what emotions they're feeling. Right now, they're like a wounded animal that will strike anyone who poses even the smallest risk. No responsible leader is going to provoke them now, unless they intend to be dragged into the conflict


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⚔️ Hamas statement regarding Israeli airstrikes on fleeing refugees in the Gaza Strip

"Press Statement

The massacre carried out by the Zionist occupation against the displaced families, who sought refuge amidst the bombardment, is an unforgivable crime that will only strengthen our people's determination to hold onto their land.

The horrifying massacre committed by the Zionist occupation against our Palestinian people who were seeking refuge in the resilient Gaza Strip resulted in the loss of 70 martyrs, including children and women, and more than 200 wounded and injured. This reveals the extent of their lies, deception, and betrayal, after the suspicious calls they made for our people to leave their homes, only to directly target them with this heinous crime. It will stand as a witness to their terrorism and aggression.

In the face of the ongoing campaign of genocide carried out by the occupation against our steadfast people in the Gaza Strip, we, in the Hamas movement, affirm that these crimes and systematic violations, in the shadow of American and Western complicity and bias, and their policy of double standards in dealing with our just cause and the legitimate rights of our people, will not succeed in breaking the will of our people who stand united with their resistance, rejecting all forms of displacement and eviction from their land.

Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas"



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Indeed, and perhaps in a century history will repeat itself:

in the first century the fracture between "the people (of the overlords)" and "the people of the land", "those damned people", was the fracture between the city-Temple and the countryside: Galilee, Perea and Idumea.

Let us remember in passing that the great Temple was built by an Arab, a paradigmatic Arab-Hebrew: Herod, let us not forget that the "Hebrews" were Arab tribes and "Yahweh" is an Arab divinity.

The Zionists would have liked "the land of Canaan" to be an island off the coast of Scandinavia and defense minister Anders Behring Breivik; but no: the north was Phoenician, in fact the Phoenicians called themselves "Canaanites", and the south was Arab.

In short: in the first century "the people of the land", "those damned people", were people from Galilee, Perea and Idumea; but today they are people from Algeria to Pakistan.

In 1917, behind the British imperial army came the Ukrainian-Polish Zionist army to found "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky).

Jabotinsky was a Ukrainian and his right-hand man was a Pole.

Zionism despised Rabbinic Judaism (200-1875) and came to replace it: Zionism destroyed Judaism; but a more archaic Judaism of Persian imperial times has devoured the first Zionism from within. In such a way that our already delirious "colonial project" has become an apocalyptic movement that deep down dreams and fantasizes about its own destruction.


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Saudi Arabia is reportedly pausing normalization talks with Israel and the United States, a major diplomatic blow in the wake of Hamas’ invasion of Israel on Sautrday.

Bloomberg and Reuters on Friday quoted unnamed sources as saying that the Saudis were not ending the talks, but instead were freezing them until the violence abated. Israel has declared war in the wake of Hamas’ invasion, which killed and wounded thousands of civilians, and is widely expected to begin a ground invasion of Gaza soon.

Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also spoke with Iran’s president this week, signaling a retreat from the Biden administration’s efforts to isolate Iran, which backs Hamas.

A letdown for the US

The Biden administration was deeply invested in the Saudi Arabia-Israel talks, seeing an agreement between the countries as a breakthrough for Israel’s regional acceptance, a blow to Iran’s regional ambitions and a diplomatic coup heading into a presidential election year. Part of the proposal was a US-Saudi defense pact, something the Saudis have longed for for years.

Bin Salman’s lengthy chat with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was aimed at showing that “the kingdom is exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation,” Reuters quoted a Saudi statement as saying. Taking the call from Raisi signals Saudi recognition of a legitimate Iranian stake in the Israel-Hamas war, which Israel vehemently rejects.

John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, would not confirm the talks’ suspension in a phone call he had with members of the press, but he said the United States could do little to move peace forward without the committed involvement of the parties.

“We have every intention of staying at the task of trying to pursue an Israel that is more integrated into the region, a more cooperative region, and we still believe in the promise of normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and we have no intention of not continuing to pursue that,” Kirby said.

“But obviously, these are sovereign nations, they get to decide for themselves at what pace they’re willing to move, under what conditions and certainly the degree to which they want to continue that effort,” he added. “If they continue the effort, if that’s where they, too, want to go, they will find no better friend than the United States in pursuit of that.”

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⚡️Iranian Foreign Minister: “Any step taken by Hezbollah will result in a major earthquake against the Zionist entity”
