Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
It is strange to see the uptaking of mocking Iran in a thread about Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially in the event of Palestinian's allies got hit hard. The last thing I would expect from Palestinian supporters is the mocking of the doers. I can only imagine many "pro-Palestinian" posters being truely benching-sitting spectators of gladiator games who are pro-nobody but enjoying discussion of bloody performance. And don't tell me this thread is about "professional performance" instead of "which side one is on". In case of conflict between Israel and Palestinian, it is mostly about geopolitic of big powers from outside the conflict zone and which side people are on.

Any grownups have children or at least brothers and sisters. When their children and bros are beaten for whatever reasons even if it is their fault, the reactions would be totally opposite to many posters here. That is what human is.

Of course, if one is pro-Israel or pure spectators of a bloody game, my point does not apply.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
It is strange to see the uptaking of mocking Iran in a thread about Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially in the event of Palestinian's allies got hit hard. The last thing I would expect from Palestinian supporters is the mocking of the doers. I can only imagine many "pro-Palestinian" posters being truely benching-sitting spectators of gladiator games who are pro-nobody but enjoying discussion of bloody performance.

Any grownups have children or at least brothers and sisters. When their children and bros are beaten for whatever reasons even if it is their fault, the reactions would be totally opposite to many posters here. That is what human is.

Of course, if one is pro-Israel or pure spectators of a bloody game, my point does not apply.

My observation is that they're actually pro-Israel, their point of view is genocide is ok if you can get away with it. I personally find it disgusting but at least they're honest about what they are


Registered Member
It is strange to see the uptaking of mocking Iran in a thread about Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially in the event of Palestinian's allies got hit hard. The last thing I would expect from Palestinian supporters is the mocking of the doers. I can only imagine many "pro-Palestinian" posters being truely benching-sitting spectators of gladiator games who are pro-nobody but enjoying discussion of bloody performance. And don't tell me this thread is about "professional performance" instead of "which side one is on". In case of conflict between Israel and Palestinian, it is mostly about geopolitic of big powers from outside the conflict zone and which side people are on.

Any grownups have children or at least brothers and sisters. When their children and bros are beaten for whatever reasons even if it is their fault, the reactions would be totally opposite to many posters here. That is what human is.

Of course, if one is pro-Israel or pure spectators of a bloody game, my point does not apply.
Cause many evidence suggests Iran betrayed the resistance, that's how Hamas leaders and Hezbollah leaders got killed. We can't just pretend everything is fine and dandy when the big daddy of the resistance movement is compromised.

A quick summary of how Nasrallah was killed.
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Senior Member
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Those "Christians" are financed by Jewish firms to do this, they are just fronts for companies that depend on Jewish investments.

Jews finance these protestant sects to lobby in politics while the Jewish press and infiltration agents destroy the old traditional churches and institutions that previously prevented Jewish ambitions in the world such as the Catholic and Lutheran Churches.
Yes, they have had a monopoly on Western media and mass culture since WWII.

Before that, even in the USA, Western culture was dominated by the Catholic Church. For example, for a movie to be released in the cinema, Hollywood needed approval from the cultural body of the diocese of Los Angeles. The same for architecture, music and politics in general.

After the war, the Jews achieved unquestionable dominance using the Holocaust as a shield, so they will do everything to maintain their monopoly and avoid new competition. Hence the lobby to ban or control Tiktok. They only tolerate employees who work for them, so as not to return to their previous state.
You can blame the Catholics for this: unable to maintain it's integrity, leading to popular sectarian divisions. Can't blame the Jews for everything. WASP culture is pretty stringent by itself, promoting Jewish interests independently.


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Who the hell are the PFLP? Well whoever they are Israel had beef with them long ago and today was the PFLP leaderships reckoning

-Tonight’s Israeli Airstrike on the Lebanese Capital of Beirut is quite Unusual. Unlike previous Strikes that we have seen on the City, this one was not on the Southern Suburbs but instead on a Neighborhood near the Downtown Commercial District; in addition, the Targets of the Strike were not Members of Hezbollah, Hamas, or the PIJ, but instead Three Commanders with the Military Wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Group which has not had much involvement in the ongoing War. I have a feeling that since the Campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon is going so well, this Strike was likely “Payback” by Israel for Actions committed by these PFLP Commanders in the 90s and 2000s. We also have not yet received any kind of Statement or even a claim of Responsibility by Israel for the Strike.

Looks like Israel is all in taking out all her neighboring enemies... President Assad's brother looks like he was taken out.

-Unconfirmed Reports over the last 24 Hours suggest that Major General Maher al-Assad, the Brother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as the Commander of the Syrian Army’s 4th Armoured Division, was Killed yesterday by an Israeli Airstrike on his Home near the Capital of Damascus. Maher and the 4th Armored Division are well known across Syria for their Brutal Crackdown against Anti-Government Demonstrations in 2011, specifically in the City of Daraa where his Forces led a Slaughter against Hundreds if not Thousands of Civilians; they are also known for their Close Ties to Iran and Iranian-Backed Forces operating in Western Syria and Lebanon.


Junior Member
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You can blame the Catholics for this: unable to maintain it's integrity, leading to popular sectarian divisions. Can't blame the Jews for everything. WASP culture is pretty stringent by itself, promoting Jewish interests independently.
In fact these sects grew with the fall and dismemberment of the Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist churches. And these churches fell coincidentally with the rise of Jewish Zionists in US and UK politics. Before that all Christians were hostile towards Jews.

The Catholic Church still managed to dominate Western culture for about 1600 years and only fell with the occupation of Italy by the US after the WWII, with the Second Vatican Council which changed the entire constitution and traditions of the church and made it equal to the Anglican church. Today Catholics are finished. The Church now is just a zombie more irrelevant and humiliated than Iran.


Registered Member
Gaza got hit harder than Beirut, and was emptied out with Hamas defending. Look at what I was replying to, if you didn't understand my statements. Hezbollah has inflicted far greater damage than Hamas. Hezbollah cleared northern Israel while getting hit while Beirut and southern Lebanon are still populated - versus - Hamas defending but Gaza cleared out while southern Israel is still populated. Hezbollah, essentially, created a buffer zone inside Israeli territory.

Take your pick,
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But it doesn't end there. Any land that has something even remotely related to the Israelites can be claimed. Ethiopia and Iran would be most prominent claims, followed by eastern Europe, Eurasia. A few years ago, there was a claim that the Pashtun ethnic group of Afghanistan and Pakistan is a tribe of Israel, with some suggesting that the land of Israel should be "brought" there.
Sar what about India sar. Let us join land of beautiful Israeli girls sar.