Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Western sources multiplied by -1.

Independent, on-field reports. Images, videos without commentary. Documentary footage.

If the Yemenis claim they've done something, it is always questionable. But if they provide with it supplementary footage of destroyed drones, ships on fire, or if international sources confirm it from their end or with corroborating evidence, or if the victims have recorded it on their smart phones (i.e. residents of Eilat, Haifa, Tel Aviv), it is believable - and that's exactly what Yemen has mostly done, as well as Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Qassam, al-Quds, Hamas, etc., even Iran.
So who are the non-western media outlets that are doing real independent reports, documentaries, and investigative journalism?

And there are tons of fake news on social media. Images or videos is often cropped, photoshopped, digitally altered. e.g an old image of an explosion somewhere in the Middle East is cropped and made to look an event that has not happened.

What's really questionable is CIA-oligarchy saying it has targetted somebody in Yemen, or the Apartheid saying it has killed xyz number of Hamas. Ofcourse, they have zero corroborating evidence nor is there any footage or documentation by anyone else.

Western audience is generally very gullible; they'll believe anything their government or media says without verifying. It doesn't work too well on the rest of the world. We're talking here people who think a man with a dialysis machine attached to him survived a decade of bombing while on the run in the mountains of Afghanistan, that the #1 enemy was killed and body thrown in the sea without a shred of evidence.
They don't actually. Trust of the government(s) at all time low. People looking to social media for alternative news and end up sucked into conspiracy theories, fake news, real news mixed together with propaganda. Some news is legit, some are junk. Not all western reports on the Middle East is automatically fake news.

Problem with news for the West is that it's too much news from too many sources. Problem for other countries may be that the news is only coming from one source (the government for example).
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Do your own research it is not too hard since you appear to have too much time eagerly spreading falsehood without critically validating. Most if not all the reported ships headed to Iran, China either never ended up in Iran or China or have other primary destinations before they arrive to China.

You initiated these claim so you need to provide the evidence for your bold claim that is free from western manipulation and propaganda. No? Where are evidence for your claims that can provide sufficient proof.
My statement that Israel's primary ports are along the Mediterranean coast. Thats spreading falsehood? Only around 5% of their trades transit through the Red Sea. Fact check that or just believe thats western propaganda.

Many of the ships attacked have little to do with the current conflict. Thats also western propaganda?

Instead of making accusations, how bout you waste 2 hours, fact check every ship that has been attacked since October, find out where they headed, who actually owns them.. tally up the total, then come back and prove me wrong.
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My statement that Israel's primary ports are along the Mediterranean coast. Thats spreading falsehood? Only around 5% of their trades transit through the Red Sea. Fact check that or just believe thats western propaganda.

Many of the ships attacked have little to do with the current conflict. Thats also western propaganda?

Instead of making accusations, how bout you waste 2 hours, fact check every ship that has been attacked since October, find out where they headed, who actually owns them.. tally up the total, then come back and prove me wrong.

fact is Houthi did not target China owned ship as you claimed. You have made many numerous BOLD claims without evidence. I see your name and will automatically just ignore just because none of your statements have credibility or at best half-truth.


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fact is Houthi did not target China owned ship as you claimed. You have made many numerous BOLD claims without evidence. I see your name and will automatically just ignore just because none of your statements have credibility or at best half-truth.
Don't forget about the shell companies. Could be a shell company within another shell company. So do your research good.

Good. I'm not here to make you happy.
Don't forget about the shell companies. Could be a shell company within another shell company. So do your research good.

Good. I'm not here to make you happy.

No need to. You have proven yourself as unreliable.

Just note that nobody believes what you say as you have zero credibility from your history of posting without evidence.

This is my last post on this to avoid more of your garbage.


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No need to. You have proven yourself as unreliable.

Just note that nobody believes what you say as you have zero credibility from your history of posting without evidence.
Good. Rock the boat. I have said lots of things you don't agree with. Thats the point. Have different perspectives. Join the Indian forums, they all talking about the samethings.
This is my last post on this to avoid more of your garbage.
Good. It's best you don't reply.


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So who are the non-western media outlets that are doing real independent reports, documentaries, and investigative journalism?
All over social media and foreign channels. When Yemen shoots down American aircraft and then shows video footage of the wreckage with Honeywell turboprops mangled on the ground, it is as evident as it gets. Then Americans confirm it in their own news. Similar with other incidents, i.e. Yemen claimed to have shot a British ship in the last attack, and the first to confirm from the West was UK-Maritime Trade Operations (a civilian institution). This thread is full of such journalism. If you have a functioning eye apparatus, you will see it.

And there are tons of fake news on social media. Images or videos is often cropped, photoshopped, digitally altered. e.g an old image of an explosion somewhere in the Middle East is cropped and made to look an event that has not happened.
Yes, also tons of fake news on CNN, Fox, BBC, and White House. Remember the news "Russia ran out of missiles" in 2022? Or how about Iraqi WMD, on which an entire nation was destroyed? Dumbasses in America still think OBL is buried at sea cuz the government said so.

They don't actually. Trust of the government(s) at all time low. People looking to social media for alternative news and end up sucked into conspiracy theories, fake news, real news mixed together with propaganda. Some news is legit, some are junk. Not all western reports on the Middle East is automatically fake news.
Yes they do. Mistrust of government has no bearing on gullibility. The vast majority of the Western audience believes the media propaganda. In the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, they said "we (the people) are tired of war", yet less than a year later they succumbed to the Ukraine War propaganda, showing full support.

Anyways, you're derailing the thread with nonsense that best belongs in the misc thread. You can reply to me there.

Sensitive content inside . Delete if needed.
This is criminal. connect the link if interested.

That wasn't too sensitive. But the videos in the replies were horrific. This isn't normal human behavior.
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Good that you admit your post are ONLY your (heavily bias) perspective without any relationship to reality. Not worthy for this platform.

Besides the one ship prob not truly owned by China, which of my past comments are not based on reality.

-Most of the Israeli ports are not based in the Red Sea.

-Houthi attacks on ships that have little to do with the current conflict.

-Israel is hurting but Palestine is hurting much more. After this round of conflict is over, Palestine is going to have a much harder time with recovery due to blockade.

- Iran can’t go toe to toe with US/Israel in terms of firepower. Other than symbolic retaliations, it’s forced to stand down, buy time, and build strength.

You want to talk about these points or just make accusations?? When people disruptive the narrative you trying to maintain, you discredit them. It’s a familiar tactic.