Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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You are cherry-picking what China has been saying. China demands ceasefire in conjucntion with demanding "two state solution", "Palestine being admitted as full member of UN" and "peace conference of broader representation".

Read Wang Yi's speech.
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Just so you know, China was not always supporting "two state solution" and people change.
So in essence a permanent cease fire. Peace and stability in the region like I said. China is not talking about sanctioning Israel, embargo of Israel, or arresting of anyone from Israel for war crimes.


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Are the Houthis supposed to protect Iran?

Are there US warships off directly off the coast of Yemen to side a signal of strength? Seems like they are avoiding that area specifically.
Eisenhower was deployed to the Red Sea for 9 months. No US war ships have been struck or sunk by the Houthis. A few months ago, a Chinese owned cargo ship came under attack. Before that a Serbia owned ship was attacked. Looks like the Houthis are saying they will attack US and western ships but instead are just attacking anything they can find.


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Israeli demands include only a temporary ceasefire: Hamas​

As we reported earlier, Hamas has released a new statement rejecting US accusations that it is blocking a ceasefire deal.

In its statement, Hamas said the claim by Blinken that it is backing away from a deal is “misleading”. The group stressed it is eager to reach a deal and remains committed to the US and UN-backed ceasefire framework put forward in June.

Hamas says the US is bowing to pressure from Israel in the ceasefire negotiations and major sticking points remain after a plan put forward by President Biden.

“Biden’s proposal states that Israel would entirely retreat in two phases and a complete ceasefire. Whereas the Israeli demands include only a temporary ceasefire for six weeks,” senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan said.

“It means a big military force will remain in the Philadelphi Corridor and stay in the Rafah crossing, which means restricting aid to Israeli approval.”
“Biden’s proposal states that Israel would entirely retreat in two phases and a complete ceasefire. Whereas the Israeli demands include only a temporary ceasefire for six weeks,” senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan said.

Dead on arrival.


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When Iran attacks it’s considered a major success.

When Iran doesn’t attack it’s also considered a major success.

I’m confused. Which way is the bigger success.


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Dead on arrival.
It's just bizarre.

"Ceasefire" in essence should mean both parties cease the hostilities without proper concessions - whether it's a long or a short time, unless we are talking about a capitulation.
Peace negotiations are when you start talking about concessions.

What we have are pseudo-peace-negotiations - where no actual peace is on the table. Only a demand for some weird partial capitulation of Hamas.
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So in essence a permanent cease fire. Peace and stability in the region like I said.
Not a cease fire but a treaty that settles everything permanently. China's peace solution includes Israel pulling off those settlements beyond UN mandated border, returning East Jerusalem to Palestine. This is not the "peace deal" as US and Israel is talking about. China does and will NOT back such "peace or stability".

So before you try to twist China's position, answer this question, which deal are you talking about?

China is not talking about sanctioning Israel, embargo of Israel, or arresting of anyone from Israel for war crimes.
Neither does China reject such things. It isn't China's position to talk about such matters. It is Palestinian's right to persuit and China's position can be from encouraging to discouraging. And China is likely to support Palestinians' demands if Israel keeps its current behaviour. That is why I reminded you that China's recognition of Israel was a change, the reverse change may happen depending on the development.

The big difference between China and US is that, US's support to Israel is unconditional while China's position on Israel is conditional on Israel's behaviour, Palestinian's demand and the overall geopolitical development in the world. This once again makes my point that is different from you, the peace and stability in China's mind is vastly different from Israel and US.
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The big difference between China and US is that, US's support to Israel is unconditional while China's position on Israel is conditional on Israel's behaviour, Palestinian's demand and the overall geopolitical development in the world. This once again makes my point that is different from you, the peace and stability in China's mind is vastly different from Israel and US.
Imo Chinese foreign policy has changed drastically in modern times, if this happened 40 years ago I would not be surprised if China started mass shipping military equipment to Iran, Lebanon and Palestine on day 1 of hostilities. Instead they just call for restraint, the new generation of Chinese leadership is a far cry from earlier leaders who are more bold and less predictable. Stability is focused above all else.


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Not a cease fire but a treaty that settles everything permanently. China's peace solution includes Israel pulling off those settlements beyond UN mandated border, returning East Jerusalem to Palestine. This is not the "peace deal" as US and Israel is talking about. China does and will NOT back such "peace or stability".

So before you try to twist China's position, answer this question, which deal are you talking about?

Neither does China reject such things. It isn't China's position to talk about such matters. It is Palestinian's right to persuit and China's position can be from encouraging to discouraging. And China is likely to support Palestinians' demands if Israel keeps its current behaviour. That is why I reminded you that China's recognition of Israel was a change, the reverse change may happen depending on the development.

The big difference between China and US is that, US's support to Israel is unconditional while China's position on Israel is conditional on Israel's behaviour, Palestinian's demand and the overall geopolitical development in the world. This once again makes my point that is different from you, the peace and stability in China's mind is vastly different from Israel and US.

Im twisting China’s positions by saying it wants peace and stability in the region?? I’m not comparing US and Chinas stance on the Middle East. I am saying specifically that given the ongoing conflict, China has not called for sanctions, arrests, or embargo of Israel.

obj 705A

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Imo Chinese foreign policy has changed drastically in modern times, if this happened 40 years ago I would not be surprised if China started mass shipping military equipment to Iran, Lebanon and Palestine on day 1 of hostilities. Instead they just call for restraint, the new generation of Chinese leadership is a far cry from earlier leaders who are more bold and less predictable. Stability is focused above all else.
Iran already has all the missiles they need, what they lack is a proper airforce and an airdefence. Iran could buy these from Russia (especially the aircrafts) but for whatever reason they are not doing so, possibly due to economic reasons on Iran's side. the Russian MIC is already under sanctions so it's not like Russia is not selling weapons to Iran due to fear of sanctions.

for Lebanon it is complicated, what they need is similar to what Iran needs, air defence and modern fighters. what prevents the Lebanese army from aquiring such weaponry is not the lack of those willing to sell such weaponry to Lebanon but the cause is internal. Hassan Nasrallah actually talked about it once. the thing is Lebanon is split between the larger alliance of Christians and Shia muslims and a smaller alliance of opposing Suni Muslims & Christians who are pro US. and the later alliance is likely the one preventing the government from properly arming the Lebanese military because they probably hope that at some point there will be a war on Lebanon in which Hezbollah and their Christian allies would be destroyed.Israel would have an easier time bombing Lebanon if the military has no proper airdefence. so not China nor Russia nor any other country can properly arm the Lebanese military due to the split in the Lebanese government.

regarding Palestine, the issue here is that the only route to smugle weapons to Gaza is through Egypt which was closed several years ago by the Egyptians ever since Sisi came to power. so even if China wanted to send weapons to Gaza, they actually can't do it. furthermore all that Hamas needs are ATGMs & more modern drones like the Shahed. so Iranian weaponry would have been enough had Egypt not acted as a bodyguard for Israel by closing the border.