Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Everyone would have said the same about the taliban against the coalition NATO forces and they won a defensive war against the American invasion. I would not doubt though that 25%, of Israel at a minimum would disappear and that Iran would win while devastated in its industrial and military or civil infrastructure
Half a dozen nukes would obliterate 90% of Israel's population,

but not 90% of Iran's,

Israeli population is also concentrated in relatively flatter terrain,

while Iran's population is separated by elevation barriers that could shield against the spread of destructive radiation

This country is a literal geographic fortress

Who would've thought even 10 years ago that to guess what's going on in Washington, all you gotta do is look at how busy the gay bar is?
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No one knows for certain. Western nations believe Iran will retaliate within a couple of days. In any case, no one is taking any chances including airlines that have cancelled all flights to the region.

Half a dozen nukes would obliterate 90% of Israel's population,

You don't even need that many. Detonating just one is enough for majority of the population in Israel to leave the region and never return.


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Why are you found always making coping excuses for US?

So they realized they lost but were able to hold on a little more before retreating.

Trump said it himself, Afghanistan would have been close to Xinjiang, which would serve as China's backline operating base during any hostility involving NATO. Losing in Afghanistan means losing the ability to threaten Xinjiang airbases.

I thought you looked up to Trump like some sort of guru.

I’m not making excuses for US.

People on the forum love to downplay US dominance and overestimate the strengths of its competitors.

Trump is no guru. He understands how to bully and use force to get what he wants.


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I’m not making excuses for US.

People on the forum love to downplay US dominance and overestimate the strengths of its competitors.
Iran is no US, but it doesn't need to be, because US cannot use everything it has on Iran.
Trump is no guru. He understands how to bully and use force to get what he wants.
Apparently he should have bullied harder and he'd still have those afghan bases that would have been able to contest xinjiang airbases.


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People on the forum love to downplay US dominance and overestimate the strengths of its competitors.

Not my case. While I do think the US is strong, I do not see it as stronger than its opponents anymore in terms of what it can deliver in terms of what it needs to, depending on which and how many. Armies cannot mobilize in the full extents they could in the 1940s except if in a total, world war. There are very strong worldwide dominant modern macroeconomic monetary policy (for me and for many world economic theoretical schools, fundamentally wrong) reasons to doubt that and even bigger ones in terms of financial private interests that would never allow the US to use its full power against any of its enemies or its full power in a rationed size to simply attempt to wipe Iran or North Korea out.

There are people who will not allow the buildup, the costs, to flow, as they do not believe a state should spend at these vilipendiously high levels, exceptions for tech and financial sectors, (along others) for who the state unconditionally owes infinite money. This does not help in readiness. The only country that isn't affected by this is China, as the structure Mao created remains, and countries which do not fall into the liberal democracy/liberal republic lie, which are few and in between.
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WSJ: Israel, U.S. Prepare for Severe Iranian Retaliation
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Israel and the U.S. are preparing for an unpredictable Iranian retaliatory strike on Israel as soon as this weekend, as Tehran stonewalls diplomats trying to prevent a regional Middle East war.
In that attack, Iran fired more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel, but only after telegraphing its response to diplomats ahead of time and giving Israel and the U.S. time to prepare. Ultimately, most of the projectiles were shot down before reaching Israel.
This show how bad of a strategic decision was to stage this ridiculous "play" of counter attacking Israel. Backfired immensely

U.S. and Arab diplomats working to head off a spiral of violence are getting an angry silence from Iran and its Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, which are preparing to retaliate for
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An Iranian diplomat, briefed by his government, said attempts by various countries to convince Tehran not to escalate had been and would be fruitless given Israel’s recent attacks.
“There is no point. Israel crossed all the red lines,” the diplomat said. “Our response will be swift and heavy.”

Iran and Hezbollah, a U.S.-designated terrorist group like Hamas, still want to avoid an all-out war and are trying to calibrate their response, people familiar with their thinking said. But both have ratcheted up their public rhetoric against Israel following the attacks, giving them less room to moderate their response without looking like they are backing down
Oh preparing to do the same mistake then. Should take a page out of N.Korea's book instead

The Arab officials said they have passed warnings to Iran on behalf of Israel and the U.S. that Israel is ready to go to war if Hezbollah and Iran respond too aggressively, attacking Tel Aviv or deeper in Israel, for instance. Iranian officials replied that they understood the risk of an escalatory spiral but Khamenei is under internal pressure from hard-liners to respond.
lol. "Look, strike at this and this place, but definetely not here, ok?". Empty buildings are prepared as we speak folks

When Iran was about to launch its massive barrage in April to avenge the
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of one of its senior generals, it telegraphed the missile and drone attack so clearly that radio and television stations in Israel were counting down the hours people had left to get home and into shelters.
Pathetic. Iran deserves to be bombed even more just for this paragraph here. Israel should honestly keep bombing them


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WSJ: Israel, U.S. Prepare for Severe Iranian Retaliation
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This show how bad of a strategic decision was to stage this ridiculous "play" of counter attacking Israel. Backfired immensely

Oh preparing to do the same mistake then. Should take a page out of N.Korea's book instead

lol. "Look, strike at this and this place, but definetely not here, ok?". Empty buildings are prepared as we speak folks

Pathetic. Iran deserves to be bombed even more just for this paragraph here. Israel should honestly keep bombing them
Stop treating what's happening there like a movie, geopolitics aren't a streetfight. A regional war against the US is no joke and will bring death and misery upon tens of millions of people, especially when fighting against the rabid dogs that western politicians have become. Although I disagree with alot of Iranian policies, I think they're right in trying to avoid escalating as much as possible when they're responsible for the lifes of nearly 90 million people. They might appear weak to you because of the constant propaganda that keeps on twisting the truth and because their opponents are irresponsible ideologues who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, but ultimately, they're doing the right thing as statemen.


The original talking point was about escalation. I don’t know why you keep trying to downplay the fact that it happened during the presidential inauguration as if it wasn’t a serious escalation. My point being that it doesn't matter if an aircraft entered or not because it already is a serious escalation.
And i don't understand why you keep bringing up inauguration as the central point when history has shown over and over again escalation and response usually commensurate with the severity and impact of the initial strike.

Basically what you're saying is you think killing some lone 3rd party invited guest during the inagraution of another country's leader would elicit a much greater and bigger military response and revenge against a regional and global superpower VS had it been through actual bombing strike and flatening half of Tehran with hundreds of civilian casualties on a 'regular' day..
It's fine if you believe that, no skin off my back.


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WSJ: Israel, U.S. Prepare for Severe Iranian Retaliation
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This show how bad of a strategic decision was to stage this ridiculous "play" of counter attacking Israel. Backfired immensely

Oh preparing to do the same mistake then. Should take a page out of N.Korea's book instead

lol. "Look, strike at this and this place, but definetely not here, ok?". Empty buildings are prepared as we speak folks

Pathetic. Iran deserves to be bombed even more just for this paragraph here. Israel should honestly keep bombing them
The quote that sticks out to me is “It's hard to know the timing of the Iranian strike this time. Last time, we knew it because Iran wanted us to know, but this time it's different.” Basically behind the scenes Iran is not telling when the strikes will occur. The game has changed and they are going to inflict pain on Israel.

Also Iran trying to avoid a regional war in the first place isn’t weakness. The strategy that the axis of resistance was doing until now was to strategically defeat Israel without a regional war. Basically waging a war of attrition. And the strategy is working. The IDF is bogged down in Gaza. The reason why Israel hasn’t gone to full scale war with Hezbollah is because of the Gaza quagmire. So Hezbollah can continue their strikes emptying the north of Israel. Last week the IDF admitted to the Israeli Supreme Court they are running out of tanks,spare parts and munitions because of Gaza. The Red Sea blockade was a major blow to the Israeli economy. The Port of Eliat declared bankruptcy and the economy is near collapse. So the plan is working. The issue is that the Axis of Resistance are rational actors. While Israel’s leadership aren’t rational. They are blood thirsty extremist backed by the west so it emboldened them to do the strikes they did this past week. Israel is not thinking rationally and truly believe the only way to get deterrence back is to for a full scale regional war.

People have to understand the stakes of what a regional war means. Means untold death and destruction for the region. A conflagration that will lead to the collapse of many regimes and not to mention the refugee flows. That means the collapse of the global economy. Iran shuts the straits of Hormuz means oil prices spiking to $150-250 which would collapse the already anemic economy. We are talking about poorer nations collapsing rapidly worldwide leading to more instability and chaos. We are talking about the collapse of the European economy as they stupidly stoped getting oil from Russia. If the worst case scenario happens and Persian Gulf monarchies oil and natural gas infrastructure are totally destroyed it will be decades to repair. And that assumes if those governments don’t collapse. Oil is the blood of the global economy. And if the oil and natural gas infrastructure in the Middle East are destroyed we are talking about the world’s biggest oil market gone for decades perhaps forever. You can’t imagine the chaos that will bring. I live in the US and that means no gas for trucks to bring food to grocery stores. That means worse crippling inflation at a time when the average American is struggling with inflation and high cost of living crisis. This is why no one wants a regional war except for Israel. This is why I kept saying we are staring in the abyss because of a genocidal maniac in Netanyahu. I blame the west for emboldening this colonial entity. A west Asian great regional war is not a movie and video game. It will affect us all.
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