Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


I don’t think it matters. Everyone has forgotten or didn’t even realize what also happened on that day. The Iranian President was inaugurated on the same day of the assassination. Hours after he was inaugurated.

Imagine if Iran assassinated an Israeli official in DC during the same day as Trump/Harris inauguration day. The assassination is already extremely provocative regardless if a manned aircraft entered or not. Iran will be forced to response in some way.
I'll have to agree to disagree. I think a surgical strike with minimal colleteral damage will elicit a far less emotional response and anger than a giant crater from a couple of JDAMs from IDF F35s in the middle of Tehran with a bunch of dead Iranian citizens.
Had the latter happened, for sure that would've caused a massive Iranian retaliation and most likely caused a regional war. That may also draw Turkey into it which is the LAST thing any sane person wants.


Registered Member
I'll have to agree to disagree. I think a surgical strike with minimal colleteral damage will elicit a far less emotional response and anger than a giant crater from a couple of JDAMs from IDF F35s in the middle of Tehran with a bunch of dead Iranian citizens.

You seem to be missing the point that it happened on the same day as the presidential inauguration. This isn’t a matter of emotional response or anger. It is a matter of national sovereignty.

If the Americans assassinated a Chinese official in Russia by a missile hours later after meeting Putin during his inauguration. Then the Chinese and the Russian do nothing. Likewise, if the Iranians assassinating an Israeli official on Trump inauguration day. Then the Americans and Israelis do nothing.

What do you think said governments credibility will be like domestically and internationally?


Junior Member
There are actually theological theories that the Dajjal is the Jesus of Christianity. However, that is irrelevant here. I agree with this theory about the Jewish state, support for Israel dropped a lot when they started leveling the Gaza Strip, not only that, but much of the world that supported them is now refraining from sending support or declaring it publicly, not even touching the states that are already condemning them. Hatred of Jews is only increasing all over the world and it is very likely that there will be another massive return of Jews from around the world to Israel, since the basis of Zionism is precisely the return of the Jews to the Land of Israel.

Now an important figure within this Islamic eschatology is the Sufyani, somewhat distinct from the Dajjal.
Catholic Europe will view Christ's return & his calling of the world to listen to him as an anti-christ!!!
an anti-christ according to europe is : he is a jew, he wants to rule the world.
But that is precisely the bible says Christ is coming back to earth to set up God's kingdom...go figure


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Looks like the west is going way too far. Boggles my mind why the Islamic world doesn't get revenge on the west.
Because they are cowards, corrupt and weak. Most of them are heavily reliant on the West and fear being sanctioned or bombed themselves. Others are puppets.

Israel just assassinated Hamas's chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran
WTF? Are we speedrunning WWIII?
The biggest goal of Israel is to resurrect Solomon's Temple which, according them, is occupied by Masjid al-Aqsa, the third holiest mosque in Islam. Establishing this gives the total legitimacy to Israel (which they've been seeking), even for most anti-Zionist Jews. Resurrecting the Temple requires demolishing the mosque, and their biggest fear is a collective response from the Islamic world.

Israel and it's cronies take these little (sometimes big) jabs in the Islamic world to gauge how the Islamic world will respond. If the response is weak, then bigger punches come in. Nakba 1.0 and 2.0 didn't generate much response, essentially giving green light to conduct more aggressive attacks.

I think they are pretty close to that stage where they can demolish the mosque without any major response from the Islamic world. The red heifer is ready to be slaughtered and cannot wait much longer.


In other news, Israel violated the Camp David Accords treaty with Egypt by seizing the Rafah crossing (attacked Egypt). Technically, Egypt is allowed now, by law, to respond physically. Egypt's only response was releasing a statement today condemning the seizure. That also means Israel can forcefully expel the Gazans into Egyptian Sinai, since Egypt is no longer in control of the crossing.


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Israel and the US can't afford to experience reputation hits like that, because they are paper tigers, surviving off of that reputation, while Iran can because it has real power to back itself up if need be as the last resort.
This statement makes no sense at all, it borders on the level of a Twitter copium.


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According to the Pentagon, Iran and its allies will launch a large-scale attack against Israel, and they expect the Iranian attack on Israel to be larger in scope than the April attack.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah has resumed regular attacks on northern Israel. In addition, Israel has sought to discuss with regional partners the possibility of joint involvement in defending Israel from Iranian attacks.


Its simply bad form to kill the guy you are negotiating with.

Israel at the beginning of the war said that they want to destroy Hamas and won't accept that Hamas continue to govern the Gaza Strip after the war. This is not just the position of Netanyahu but there is broad agreement on this across the Israeli political spectrum and society.

The problem here is that Hamas is a ideology and you can't destroy a ideology with weapons. You will only make it stronger.

Israel says that they don't want Hamas to govern Gaza after the war has ended. But then the question is who will govern Gaza after the war if not Hamas.

Mahmoud Abbas? A third country? A UN agency? Or will the Israeli army set up their own government for the Gaza Strip.

None of these are viable options. The Israeli's knows that from the moment they leave Gaza Hamas will simply return back to power there the same day. And that will be a political and strategic defeat for Israel. How will Israel then end the war?

Because the Israeli's started the war with unrealistic war aims and lacking a exit strategy they got themselves into a forever war and the Americans and Europeans are tethered to it.
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Its simply bad form to kill the guy you are negotiating with.

Israel at the beginning of the war said that they want to destroy Hamas and won't accept that Hamas continue to govern the Gaza Strip after the war. This is not just the position of Netanyahu but there is broad agreement on this across the Israeli political spectrum and society.

The problem here is that Hamas is a ideology and you can't destroy a ideology with weapons. You will only make it stronger.

Israel says that they don't want Hamas to govern Gaza after the war has ended. But then the question is who will govern Gaza after the war if not Hamas.

Mahmoud Abbas? A third country? A UN agency? Or will the Israeli army set up their own government for the Gaza Strip.

None of these are viable options. The Israeli's knows that from the moment they leave Gaza Hamas will simply return back to power there the same day. And that will be a political and strategic defeat for Israel. How will Israel then end the war?

Because the Israeli's started the war with unrealistic war aims and lacking a exit strategy they got themselves into a forever war and the Americans and Europeans are tethered to it.
It's not bad form, it's diplomacy in the biblical sense.

Real diplomacy is dead, Obama killed it with the ass rape of Ghaddafi.
It's amazing how sycophants still pretend this man was ever anything but a bloodthirsty monster.
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If anyone is going to do Israel in it is going to be Egypt and Turkey. It won't happen in the near term. But whenever both those countries expand their zone of influence historically they typically exert control over that area in Palestine. This goes all the way to the Hittite and Egyptian Empires. Later the Mamluks and the Ottomans. Turkey is increasingly making its own weapons and might eventually be able to support its own military without Western weapons imports. As for Egypt they just became a part of BRICS and they have historically had military ties to Russia.

The current influence of Israel in the region is an historic anomaly.
The Army and the Navy are already around 80+ percent independent and it will take a decade for the Air Force to finally gain a similar independence; but because of the F-16s, E-7Ts, KC-135s, C-130s and T-70s in the inventory, cutting all ties will still take at least 30-40 years more even if they start to operate indigenous aircraft.