Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


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Israel appears to want to escalate to a greater war. Hezbollah and Iran are going to retaliate and this time it’s not going to be limited like the April strike. Iran was humiliated and it was a strike on Iranian soil. It will drag the US as the political,financial and military elites all support Israel. They will not allow it to fail. Ultimately a full scale regional war will lead to the US getting kicked out of the region. The US military is no shape for a war like this. Not to mention the economic ramifications of this. If the US navy struggled with Yemen in the Red Sea blockade they’ll fail to against Iran if they close the straits of Hormuz with their more advanced weapons. We are literally staring at the abyss because of a madman in Netanyahu. This is fucking ridiculous .
Much less is Iran ready for a war on that scale.


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Much less is Iran ready for a war on that scale.

Iran doesn't have to worry about additionally always sending and keeping parts of their forces and hard power in general to Russia's and China's borders, across the world, like the US has, to fight them to maintain their existence based on sucking the value out of the rest of the world to keep its own country from falling apart, maintain some past global glory and image, hegemony dreams, like a boat with many holes that is sinking. Iran doesn't have to worry about planning and preparing for another hot war against a superpower, future hyperpower China, across their borders around Taiwan.

Iran is also in their own backyard in this situation, so they don't even need many of those US-style military hardware that you would need when you want to attack someone 10000kms apart like the US wants. However, I still think that the US will get bogged out fighting Hezbollah and other Iranian junior partners next based on the orders of their Zionist feudal owners (I'm predicting soon after the election circus). After all, Iran is too much for them to handle.

The reason Iran isn't getting involved directly against the US/Israel is because there is no need for that when its proxies do the job so damn well. Israel can basically keep assassinating some individuals after getting their asses whooped on the front. Israel = is useless assassinations of some political figures for damn primal Western stupid and domestic audiences so they still like they are some hot shit and "in control". Iran is basically now focused on the economy and civil matters, you saw their elections, as they understand that Israel and the West, in general, are goners already. 5 more years max and done.


Indeed a serious escalstion if this is proven true. While SOW systems or LR munitions etc. can have the desired effect, a manned aircraft intruding into sovereign airspace to assasinate gives a sort of psychological effect that cuts deep and extremely serious.
At any rate this strike appears to be highly surgical and precised with very lil colletaral damage which means no bombs or LR missiles were used. It's either a drone strike, or some kind of exotic weapon like the rx9 hellfire or some short range kinetic kill device lased in by ground operators.
Personally I do not believe it was carried out by F35s going deep into Tehran airspace. Most l8kely launched from the Caspian sea.


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There has been a lot of wishful thinking about how Israeli society is on the brink, how Israel is near collapse, this and that on this thread. Yea nobody likes to see mass child murderers win, but some stuff here is borderline fantasy.

The strike reminds just how far ahead Israel is in terms of conventional warfare and have complete immunity from international rules and laws.
They waited half a year since the last time Iran bombed them, until the Iranians likely didn't even have air defenses on, then snuck a drone or AKF98 equivalent under whatever peacetime air search radars Iran has.

The attack was only unprecedented in the sense that it was a strike directly from Israel to Iran, something that has never happened before due to Israeli fears of Iran. And Iran was banking on this deterrence to keep Israel away, but it doesn't work when Netanyahu is desparate for a regional war.
Iran needs to realize, that against a superior foe, only Nuclear weapons are a true defense. That, or they will eventually end up like Libya and Syria.

This isn't the first time this happened, last time they knocked out AD near Nuclear site after Iran did that whole TikTok missile strike after broadcasting it for 1 month.
You are (probably inadvertently) repeating a state propaganda line. Satellite imaging confirmed a completely intact Iranian base, US and Israel tried to face save by saying a shadow was a hit.
Iran does not have any cutting edge sensors or network and F-35 can run circles around it. US has full airspace control over Jordan and Iraq, so not sure why people are surprised. F-35 gets sort of flak for the management of the program and naturally the element of bias, but it is a damn good plane as it is and compared to Iran, it's more than an overkill. But we still don't know tho, if it was F-35 or not.
Iran's main weapon is in Hezbollah and other close to Israel actors that can deny the F-35s a spot to land.


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To be honest and being a contrarian here
I'm more inclining to believe that Iran may had a role in the assassination of Haniyeh then Israel did, i believe it is probably something to do in further exerting their own influence within Hamas


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Additionally, Iran and the Axis of Resistance will also clap back soon 100%, hitting some of Israel's tangible military targets again as a response. This has been nothing new, this has been a pattern for a while there.

Then Israel will also assassinate some of their politicians in desperation due to emotions again, after a short while, then Iran&Co will respond military even harder again,

And the cycle continues. The point is that what Israel is getting through are "bragging rights" for some dumb Westoid Twitter trolls, and such, when they assassinate those individuals,

Whereas, Iran and others are getting tangible military targets, practice, and information and further damaging Israel's and Western aura of power among key intelligent statesmen in the region and the world, during those escalatory exchanges.

Israel and the US can't afford to experience reputation hits like that, because they are paper tigers, surviving off of that reputation, while Iran can because it has real power to back itself up if need be as the last resort.
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Registered Member
There has been a lot of wishful thinking about how Israeli society is on the brink, how Israel is near collapse, this and that on this thread. Yea nobody likes to see mass child murderers win, but some stuff here is borderline fantasy.
If anyone is going to do Israel in it is going to be Egypt and Turkey. It won't happen in the near term. But whenever both those countries expand their zone of influence historically they typically exert control over that area in Palestine. This goes all the way to the Hittite and Egyptian Empires. Later the Mamluks and the Ottomans. Turkey is increasingly making its own weapons and might eventually be able to support its own military without Western weapons imports. As for Egypt they just became a part of BRICS and they have historically had military ties to Russia.

The current influence of Israel in the region is an historic anomaly.
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Registered Member
Indeed a serious escalstion if this is proven true. While SOW systems or LR munitions etc. can have the desired effect, a manned aircraft intruding into sovereign airspace to assasinate gives a sort of psychological effect that cuts deep and extremely serious.

I don’t think it matters. Everyone has forgotten or didn’t even realize what also happened on that day. The Iranian President was inaugurated on the same day of the assassination. Hours after he was inaugurated.

Imagine if Iran assassinated an Israeli official in DC during the same day as Trump/Harris inauguration day. The assassination is already extremely provocative regardless if a manned aircraft entered or not. Iran will be forced to response in some way.


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Much less is Iran ready for a war on that scale.
Iran’s asymmetrical military strategy has been to focus pain on America’s weakness then strength. Iran has been observing very closely how the US military fights since the Gulf War. They have focused heavily on air defense, ballistic/cruise missiles. And also forming a network of proxies to overstretch Israel and the US. They can inflict serious pain to the US it’s just that they will get hurt too. Also much of the political and military leadership are veterans of the Iran-Iraq war. They are more cautious because they know the carnage total war brings. That’s why they aren’t for full scale war unless Iran is directly attacked. That red line has been crossed and they are going to inflict pain. And if a regional war erupts they and their allies will go all out. Only thing is an all out war could mean collapse of the global economy.