I dunno, to me this looks like Hezbollah goading Israel to attack them. Why would they do that ? Are they expecting the US to avoid getting involved ? Or are they prepared for that scenario ? Or is this part of some sort of a master plan by Iran and it's backers (RU and CN) to get the US stuck in a quagmire ? I just don't think Hezbollah leadership are ignorant or suicidal. I guess time will tell.
The realities of Russo-Ukraine war also allies to middle east, large scale armored thrust does not work anymore. Especially given the terrain of south Lebanon and god knows what kind of tunnel networks HBL dug over the years. This forces the IDF to fight in HBL's most favorable form of combat, small scale attritional warfare. HBL would love LOVE Israel to attack.
I doubt the US wants to get involved, ground intervention is utterly stupid for obvious reasons, air support is of limited utilities and Israel doesn't lack air power anyway. The US will let Israel take a crack at it, if they fold so be it