Yesterday 11 Israeli soldiers were killed inside a Namer APC that was hit by an ATGM in Rafah. Horrific death toll for Israel. If this is what Hamas is doing to Israel than a war with Hezbollah would be insane. Hezbollah is flushed with advanced atgms. So in a hypothetical war scenario they would suffer likely 3x that amount in a daily basis.
Was watching video by History Legends on Israeli losses and I’m shocked at the manpower issue Israel has. If they want to wage war against Hezbollah they would have to completely withdraw the 3 divisions from Gaza and the 1 division West Bank then redirect them to the north with the two divisions in the north. And even with that there is little guarantee of total victory which Israeli doctrine states has to be the outcome. Especially if another front opens up in the Golan Heights with hundreds of thousands of Shia foreign fighters swarming over. This explains why ex Israeli generals are panicking about the state of the Israeli military.