Nah. Nothing quite as sinister. The US just looks as this as an opportunity to expand the conflict further and they are being purely driven by their Israeli lobby. Who has wanted to bomb Iran for decades already. The US tried subversion first when Bolton was in charge of Iranian policy but so far that has mostly failed. So they might try a change of tack. They are trying to build a casus belli to bomb Iran basically.
Obama wasn't as in the pocket of the Israeli lobby. So he was basically the only US President in recent times who tried to normalize relations with Iran. It makes no sense for the US to have antagonistic relations with Iran whatsoever. Except for the Israeli lobby.
Obama wasn't as in the pocket of the Israeli lobby. So he was basically the only US President in recent times who tried to normalize relations with Iran. It makes no sense for the US to have antagonistic relations with Iran whatsoever. Except for the Israeli lobby.