Left out the second part:
The second part's source is the ESS survey which yielded these results:
The source for the first part is a website called "MyJewishLearning" part of 70 Faces Media which describes itself as "70 Faces Media is the largest and most diverse Jewish media organization in North America." Which itself is a merger with "Jewish Telegraphic Agency". JTA founded the "Overseas New Agency" in 1940 in cooperation with MI6 to provide British spies with press credentials and plant fake news stores in US newspapers to counter Hitler. This is proudly recalled in another Jewish site "Forward.com".
"MyJewishLearning" was created by Edgar M. Bronfman and funding continued through "The Samuel Bronfman Foundation". The family fame started with Samuel Bronfman, the most influential Jew in Canada, who made his fortune during Prohibition by producing alcohol in Canada and smuggling it into the US where it was illegal using organized crime as the middlemen.
The founding/funding circle also includes:
The Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation. Of it, the Israel Policy Forum says:
The Diane and Guilford Glazer Foundation, a longtime supporter of Israel Policy Forum, is dedicated to the prosperity and safety of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people and to the vitality and enrichment of Jewish communities in Israel, Los Angeles, and throughout the world.
It's director is "Shira Efron" who, according to CNAS [was]
director of research at Israeli Policy Forum, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, and an adjunct fellow with the RAND Corporation. Her research focus is U.S. Middle East policy and the nexus between climate change and national security. Her studies are featured regularly in Israeli and international media outlets. Previously, Dr. Efron was a Middle East analyst at several think tanks in Washington, D.C., including the Center for American Progress and Middle East Institute. She has a PhD and MPhil in policy analysis from RAND’s Graduate School, an MA in international relations/international business from New York University, and a BSc in biology (major) and computer science (minor) from Tel Aviv University.
Crown Family Philanthropies. The founders also created Material Service Corp, acquired General Dynamics, and merged the two together. The current president Evan Hochberg used to be a Director at Deloitte which is known for several savory things, one of which was specifically hiring former CIA employees.
There's more but I'm honestly tired of looking up who their various funders are. For example another funder is the Maimonides Fund, whose President is also leading the Birthright Israel Foundation. Birthright Israel Foundation is also a funder of the Jim Joseph Foundation, which also happens to fund 70 Faces Media. And the Maimonides Fund promotes articles equating Gaza with Hamas and destroying Hamas. Birthright Israel Foundation is exactly what it sounds like too.
I checked simply because both the paper and the website don't cite any sources for the first part's numbers. But if we take the website's word for it:
After the initial influx of European Jews, the percentage of Jews from Moslem countries in Asia and Africa increased considerably (1948 ‑ 14.4%, 1949 ‑ 47.3%, 1950 ‑ 49.6%, 1951 ‑ 71.0%). During 1950 and 1951, special operations were undertaken to bring over Jewish communities perceived to be in serious danger, for example, the Jews of Yemen and Aden (Operation Magic Carpet) and the Jewish community in Iraq (Operation Ezra and Nehemia). During the same period, the vast majority of Libyan Jewry came to the country. Considerable numbers of Jews immigrated from Turkey and Iran as well as from other North African countries (Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria).
So regardless of whether of not they were European, they're still settlers.