Israel's land is arid and absent of fossil fuels. There is nothing economically meaningful to be "extracted", and this is corroborated in the data where you can see that the main sources of VA in Israel's economy are things like medicines, software, and agrotech for low-water environments. In other words, things not dependent on the local natural environment and that could in principle be done anywhere.
The presence of Israel as the American colony in the ME indirectly allows projection against all the resources of the whole ME. It is correct that Israel itself isn't rich in resources, and that their economy is based on the projects moved there by the colonizers themselves. If I had written a longer post, I'd have gone more into depth about this.
However, the fact that these projects don't depend on geography is what also makes it easy for other countries/organizations to jump ship. Israel's economy relies on "peace" being enforced against the natives. Nobody wants to do software development in a partisan filled land. Likewise, when the US garrison must fully focus on anti partisan duties, they cannot project threats against the rest of the ME.
That is the point I wanted to convey.
Israeli jews believe themselves to be in their homeland. They will not leave. It does not matter whether you agree with their sentiment, the fact is they will fight to the end to stay there with everything they have. Both of the claims you make here are essentially along the lines of "kick down the door and the whole structure will collapse", something that the states and groups opposing Israel have been propagating for since literally before 1947. What empirical evidence will it take to stop thinking like this?
You interpretate what I wrote wrongly. Barring some larger war, Israel isn't gonna collapse like a stack of cards. What will happen in the event of sufficient Islamic groups getting triggered and moving in is that Israel becomes a de facto US military governed shit hole with no worthwhile activity except anti partisan action, like Afghanistan was. Israelis born there will fight. So will Arabs born there. But all the expats and dual citizenship settlers will leave to greener pastures.
I believe Israel will endure at least for decades, but the pre war stability of the colony will never return.
You would be hard pressed to find a Jew who still genuinely believes in the "God's Chosen People" thing. It's basically become an in-joke at this point. Any remaining belief that Jews had in some divine being granting providence to them was permanently ended by the Germans. You should take to people of a culture before making claims about what they believe.
I don't think many Jews at all think this way, so in that regard you're fully correct. But ironically, many extreme nationalist Americans do, and they project their thinking onto the Jews, because lets face it, certain white Jews (like Netanyahu) have become wholly owned deputies of American nationalism.