Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)


Registered Member
Its like the Israeli cabinet is reading SDF and seeing everyone concluding no modern Arab alliance will form and go to war with Israel over Gaza, and they are like, ‘This is unacceptable! How can we change this?’
They've delayed the invasion for a long time already. Remember how the first excuse was "bad weather conditions"?

Full Arab alliance is not needed to completely destroy Israel's future. Just being at extended mobilization while in a quagmire vs Hamas/Iran/Hezbollah would turn them into a second Ukraine.

Israel is a settler extraction economy.
Once the whole place turns unstable, there will be no investors, no new settlers, and existing settlers will start to evacuate to their original homes (5 eyes countries). The more atrocities (whether real or percieved) they commit, the more toxic they become to the rest of the world, until they become another Saddam. Even if Israel still exists in some form, there would be no economy and no prosperity.

I don't think Israel doesn't know they've bit off more than they can chew, but at the same time, they must respond to acts of war.


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It appears being constantly told your ”God‘s Chosen People” leads to a serious break with reality for some of these people. More concerning is that it’s an official government official who has such thin skin.
Not only do they have such thin skin, they also hold nothing back in terms of the threats they themselves make. The words coming out of officials from that country have been belligerent and inflammatory by all standards, with their lawmakers even calling for nuclear weapons to be used against Gaza. I think they've taken off the gloves long ago in the war of words...


Registered Member

Flir footage released by the Israeli side showing a Hamas rocket launch with some launch failures.
If we take this as a reference:

(1) The first rocket 'failed' and started falling at 0:03, approximately striking the ground at 0:18 - 15 seconds between failure and impact. This rocket would have the closest trajectory to the 'failed Hamas rocket' that struck the hospital, based on the 2 videos that we have seen. If it was an intercepted Hamas rocket, as some of the early claims stated, it would again follow a similar trajectory.

(2) The second rocket starts falling at 0:21, striking ground at 0:37 - 16 seconds to impact. Again, similar trajectory to what was originally claimed as the "failed / intercepted Hamas rocket".

(3) The video of the hospital bombing that was used as 'proof' it was a failed Hamas rocket, showed a high altitude flash, followed by an explosion at the hospital almost immediately afterwards.

(4) The third rocket, whilst taking around 1-2 seconds to strike the ground, is too low to match with the 'failed / intercepted rocket' claimed in the early hospital strike videos.


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Not only do they have such thin skin, they also hold nothing back in terms of the threats they themselves make. The words coming out of officials from that country have been belligerent and inflammatory by all standards, with their lawmakers even calling for nuclear weapons to be used against Gaza. I think they've taken off the gloves long ago in the war of words...

Indeed. If Chinese officials can be called Wolf Warriors for the stuff they tweet then how should you label officials who openly call for a “final solution” to the Palestinian problem? Reich Warriors?

I just realized that the logic of defending Israel/Zionism by playing the Holocaust card is really stupid. Next time some bobalib brings up Hitler/Holocaust just say that SeeSeePee has a free rein to do whatever the hell it wants because Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731.


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They will never be allowed to return, at least not to Northern Gaza where Israel is attempting to "cleanse" of any Palestinian presence
Once left, they are not coming back. At least it will be stopped by barbed wires and guns.

Chevalier said:

It appears being constantly told your ”God‘s Chosen People” leads to a serious break with reality for some of these people. More concerning is that it’s an official government official who has such thin skin.
Not only do they have such thin skin, they also hold nothing back in terms of the threats they themselves make. The words coming out of officials from that country have been belligerent and inflammatory by all standards, with their lawmakers even calling for nuclear weapons to be used against Gaza. I think they've taken off the gloves long ago in the war of words...
Jews also claim part of China as their "Holyland, given to them by god".... I was shocked but when I Googled, this was what I found "Yes, synagogues. Plural. And then I discovered something deeply strange: The city of Harbin was built by Jews." Another quote "The story of the Jews of Harbin, and of Harbin itself, begins with the railroad. Before the railroad, Harbin did not exist."

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Here is the reference I found on wiki: Human settlement in the Harbin area dates from at least 2200 BC during the late
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, the founder and first emperor (reigned 1115–1123) of the
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(1115–1234), was born in the
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tribes who resided near the
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in this region.
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In AD 1115 Aguda established Jin's capital Shangjing (Upper Capital)
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in today's
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of Harbin.

From wiki, it was established as Jin's capital.

I am certain there are many outrageous claims, most are probably censored by the west.