Someone said it already, lets try and keep this purely on military matters. It has been positively suprising to see how long this thread has survived and I'm actually quite proud of you guys:china: so lets not ruin this ok?
Well the thing is that agaisnt those who fight under the area-defence doctrine (gurellian warfare) you just cannot march right in so to say. Becouse that what hezbollah really wants, Israelias proudly marching to Beirut...remember what happened in the first Chetchen war?? Unfortuanetly this type of warfare that Israel is currently waging is the only way it can and even that isen't very effective. In almoust any other case this massive killings of civilians and now this deliberate attack against UN should led to international arms-embargo (well that should have been issued as soon as the hostilities started) and huge pressure...but in this particular case we all know why it aint so...sadly tough but like I said earlier, UN starts to remind me more and more of the League of Nations and EU like the western world prior to the WWII when some country just does what it wants and none can stop it even when they are physically able to do so...
....upps well dropped to my own you see how easy it is to get bit drifted from the topic....
With what little information that we can gather, it seems to me that the Israeli strategy is inexcusably stupid. A good attack should flow like water, punching through, cutting off and encircling the enemy. The Israelis should be vertically enveloping the Hezbollah fighters, use armoured coulumns on "thunder runs" to get behind the main resistance than using artillery, attack choppers and jets to pound the remaining soldiers. It seems to me that they are just doing exactly what Hezbollah wants them to do and making frontal attacks from hilltop to hilltop and village to village. Also, the Israeli strategy of taking ground then giving it up is foolish. Like the Israeli soldier in one of those articles said, this is real war. And in real war you don't retreat from ground taken (unless you have to ) At least the Israelis could just flatten Bint Jbail with artillery. They aren't even doing that.
Well the thing is that agaisnt those who fight under the area-defence doctrine (gurellian warfare) you just cannot march right in so to say. Becouse that what hezbollah really wants, Israelias proudly marching to Beirut...remember what happened in the first Chetchen war?? Unfortuanetly this type of warfare that Israel is currently waging is the only way it can and even that isen't very effective. In almoust any other case this massive killings of civilians and now this deliberate attack against UN should led to international arms-embargo (well that should have been issued as soon as the hostilities started) and huge pressure...but in this particular case we all know why it aint so...sadly tough but like I said earlier, UN starts to remind me more and more of the League of Nations and EU like the western world prior to the WWII when some country just does what it wants and none can stop it even when they are physically able to do so...
....upps well dropped to my own you see how easy it is to get bit drifted from the topic....