Israel attacks Gaza Strip


Junior Member
FuManChu said:
I meant more in terms of a response. Obviously if someone wants to attack the UN, there's not a lot you can stop them trying.

However you can always respond. But because of the way the UN is currently set up, the response is almost always watered down or there simply is no response (other than a bit of shouting) - especially given that more countries are coming under various "great powers'" wings these days.

Well until we can find a way to organise the UN in a fairer way the only
thing we can do is try to ensure that International law is enforced.

The risk is that if the United Nations fails to act it will follow it's
predecessor the League of Nations. If that happens everybody no matter
how strong will suffer.

As they munched watermelon yesterday, sweating Israeli soldiers were visibly shocked by the stiff opposition they had encountered, describing their Hezbollah opponents as a “guerrilla army” with landmines and anti-tank missiles capable of crippling a Merkavah battle tank.

“It was really scary. Most of our armoured personnel carriers have holes,” a paramedic told The Times after recovering three wounded tank soldiers. “It’s a very hard situation. We were in Lebanon before but it wasn’t like this for a long time.” A tank commander said: “It’s a real war.”

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I suppose it's a truism that armies are always fighting the last war. In this
case the Israeli's don't even have that excuse.


Junior Member
I wouldn't say the hit on UN compound was deliberate to punish UN. But i do beleive that it shows Israel's arrogance. IDF is used to playing rough shod and ignoring details for safety of innocent parties and then get away with it. I am sure some commander was acting on their routine procedue of 'ignoring' the UN request, being habitual of similar behaviour in gaza and now in Lebanon's bombing campaign.

P.S Israel admiting 20 casualties and al-arabiya is saying 14 dead where as al-jazera is saying 13 dead. yesterday Hezbollah tried to retake on of the village. I am just amazed at their daring actions.

Deleted member 675

FreeAsia2000 said:
Well until we can find a way to organise the UN in a fairer way the only thing we can do is try to ensure that International law is enforced.

The risk is that if the United Nations fails to act it will follow it's
predecessor the League of Nations. If that happens everybody no matter
how strong will suffer.

The problem is that because the UNSC is becoming so factionalised, in many cases it is impossible to enforce international law. In others it simply can't be bothered.

I think the UN is on the way down already. Unless China, Russia and the US (France and the UK aren't so stubborn) take the sticks out of their arses and agree to make the UN work, regardless of who's been doing what, it really is going to collapse - or at least become irrelevant.


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VIP Professional
maglomanic said:
P.S Israel admiting 20 casualties and al-arabiya is saying 14 dead where as al-jazera is saying 13 dead. yesterday Hezbollah tried to retake on of the village. I am just amazed at their daring actions.

These Hezbullah guerillas do tend to surprise me. They have been managing to hold off thousands of Israeli troops for the past several days and now this. And this is just happening in the villages. Just imagine for a second how many Israelis would be killed if they tried to take on Beirut.....
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Finn McCool

Registered Member
God how I wish the IDF had embedded reporters! Of course, if you're in a real war you don't take the reporters along eh?

With what little information that we can gather, it seems to me that the Israeli strategy is inexcusably stupid. A good attack should flow like water, punching through, cutting off and encircling the enemy. The Israelis should be vertically enveloping the Hezbollah fighters, use armoured coulumns on "thunder runs" to get behind the main resistance than using artillery, attack choppers and jets to pound the remaining soldiers. It seems to me that they are just doing exactly what Hezbollah wants them to do and making frontal attacks from hilltop to hilltop and village to village. Also, the Israeli strategy of taking ground then giving it up is foolish. Like the Israeli soldier in one of those articles said, this is real war. And in real war you don't retreat from ground taken (unless you have to;) ) At least the Israelis could just flatten Bint Jbail with artillery. They aren't even doing that.

PS: This is probably the most evenly matched conflict that the world has seen for a while. For example, it is much more evenly matched than Gulf War I or II, the Taliban War in 2001, Israeli confrontations with the Palestinians, etc. The Western World, and in particular the Western media, has gotten used to short, relatively bloodless pitting a very modern 1st World military against a 3rd World country's crappy military. So media outlets are hyperventilating over the fact that Hezbollah is putting up a competent fight and killing Israeli soldiers. But it's blown out of proportion. you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette; people die in war. Casualties will not deter either side.
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The Capitalist
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Well if you use the Isrealis own logic in respect of the UN attack, then Israeli troops have deliberatly crossed the border and launched a murderous attack against UN forces which should be taken as an act of war against the world community.

At the very least Isreal should be expelled from the UN and branded a Rogue/Terrorist state.

At the very least national governments around the world should announce and enforce an Arms Embargo against Israel (incl Bunker Bombs from the USA) and all pro Isreali Organistions should be proscribed, their assets confiscated and their members detained in secure establishments and interrorgated.

A further measure for those who live in a country openly supportive of Isreal is to send to you head of Government a package containing 30 small silver coins, this being the traditional payment offered for services to Zionisem.


Junior Member
I guess people are gettin emotional here. Lets leave the politics out of here.
P.S Israel is doing what they have always surprises there :) Even the people dying take it for granted that they will be branded wrong in the end. May be thats why they are resisting even harder this time.


Junior Member
just wondering, could they have send in specail forces and army and said to the lebanese that "I want to enter your country and stop the militants that are firing rockets" like what counter terrorism team do instead of firing artillery shell to a target.


Junior Member
ahho said:
just wondering, could they have send in specail forces and army and said to the lebanese that "I want to enter your country and stop the militants that are firing rockets" like what counter terrorism team do instead of firing artillery shell to a target.

They could have taken Lebanese govt into confidence and worked with them to disarm hezbollah. However the Cheif of army staff said they will turn back the time 20 years, meaning collective responsibility in which Israel does not differentiate between Lebanese govt and Hezbollah.


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Registered Member
Finn McCool said:
PS: This is probably the most evenly matched conflict that the world has seen for a while.

Go search up Israels military equipment, if they wanted to they could easily pound the Gaza Strip to kingdom come...
They haven't even started using their Navy yet their air sorties haven't even come close to it's full capacity...
All they been doing these days is firing artillery and rolling a couple of tanks in.
They haven't even flexed their muscles yet, simply look at all the other wars Israel fought in they found against superior numbers and still won...
If nobody cared about this war I'll bet you Israel would of already wiped the Gaza Strip off the maps.

This war is stupid and pointless just like the Iraqi war, fighting over two soldiers who are probably dead because of all the artillery strikes Israel has been doing.

know that's not going to happen while USA is supporting it and vetoing every single resolution against Israel.
