POPEYE could you please explain what would happen to a russian Fleet off the coast of Israel that threatened Israel?
Oh brother...First off could the Russians even muster a fleet to go to Syria? are there any actual news reports of such a move?...
As for what the IAF could do to any fleet sabre rattling off it's coast. Well simply they would load up F-15's with JDAM's and start an attack. Very simple. The attack may come in at a high level to help negate any AAM's that will be fired....I got bad news for the Russian fleet if this does occur. JDAM's do not miss.
When those 2000lb(907kg) JDAM's hit a ship the results would be devastating. Sinkings would occur.
Very nice website about the IAF;
Check these pics of what a JDAM can do to ruin your sea going holiday.
During the Resultant Fury exercise conducted late November, 2004, the US Air Force trialed the use of AMSTE-modified 2,000 lb JDAM guided bombs, with datalink updates from an E-8C JSTARS, and laser guided 2,000 lb GBU-10/BLU-109 bombs targeted by a Litening II pod on a B-52H. left - former USN LST Schenectady takes a hit by multiple JDAMs; right - damage effect produced by JDAM hits on waterline. The vessel sank 1.5 hrs later.
Uhh..by the way..War Sucks....