Lieutenant General
I think it is very probable that SF teams are already on the ground in both Syria and Iraq, not the least to direct/guide airstrikes. What i worry about though is an encounter between those teams and Syrian forces. Would they shake hands and go their own ways? If yes, great but if not, all hell breaks loose.
It is also apparent that the Syrian air defense (those S300s if really delivered by Russia) is not interfering with airstrikes (after all not everyone has a Raptor) because it is in Assad's interest; for now...They may be intentionally 'shut down' under advice from Russia. Given the current armada involved the Syrians have no option. The administration can claim anything it wants but there must be some degree of 'coordination' via Russia.
That depends on the rules of engagement between the SF guys if they do encounter Assad Syrian Army troops. I figure they would do their utmost best to avoid and be seen by the Syrian troops. They would rely on intelligence on the ground to determine the actions appropriate for it.