The same Taiwanese “government” that experiences the world’s largest brain and money drain to mainland China? And is wholly economically dependent on the latter?
Taiwan doesn’t have a government (unless you live in Nauru), they have a group of people who try to balance keeping resistance alive against Beijing, pointing missiles at Fujian to deter Xinjiang style response, and playing nice economically so Beijing will still funnel them stuff despite the threats. It’s like with Hamas, except even Hamas have more countries recognizing their authority.
US is just one power piece in that balancing game. The goal of the game is to stay in power.
Entering the spat now will be throwing the game. The companies from Taiwan are about as well integrated as companies from any other province.
The moment Taipei openly shows it is compromised by a foreign government, the dozens of potential casualties from eventual rocket bombardement no longer matter.
Beijing will confiscate the factories and the stashed property of Taiwanese oligarchs. US has no jurisdiction inside China, so any help they can give to enforce a “ban” would be spiritual at best.
The Taiwanese rich will definitely not surrender their property, factories, relatives and own lives to indulge America in it’s losing war on technology.
Edit: besides, such a move against Huawei, which has the state’s tacit support or at least is not in dispute with the CPC means that China will sanction America at large in retaliation. America lacks the resource extraction technology to make high end electronics, and will be forced to surrender the entire technology sector and only fight with their agricultural and vehicle one.
Come on now, the current wen DPP admin in Taiwan is openly hostile toward China. It practically allows US do whatever it wants so its entirely up to US. If US wants it to declare independence now it would. The ball is in US Court.