Can't shake the feeling that some people think this thread is claiming that the Aircraft Carrier is obsolete. That obviously would be a ludicrous claim. No the claim here is very precise, that the Carrier as a Flag Ship for a Strike Group engaged in stand alone attacks against other nations is now to vulnerable to counter strike from the proliferation of modern ASM's and that the number of totally defenseless countries ie Somalia, is falling so rapidly, that this major role for a Carrier is now obsolete and that it should instead be regarded as an Escort or even Axillary vessel providing Air Cover to Convoys and Task Forces, to include Amphibious Landings.
That said:
Sampan, you're still ignoring my points. I'll reiterate some key ones.
Well you cherry pick my points so why try to deprive me of the same privilege? anyhow out of courtesy I will answer your selection.
1. If no friendly states are available for/willing to provide bases for land-based air attacks on an enemy nation, do you invade a third-party to get those bases? Yes or no.
Hardly a Yes or No question is it, but it would require meticulous planning. The questions to ask would your Carrier Air Assets be enough to support an Amphibious landing long en ought to secure suitable facilities to bring land based planes in?
2. What is your proposed solution to the Royal Navy's requirement for carriers if the Queen Elizabeth class is "too big".
Has the Royal Navy actually specified its requirement? Is this likely to change during the construction period, are they likely to survive the construction period? To be honest Fu I have not even seen impressions of these Carriers, all I know is that they are two 65,000 fixed wing carriers intended to carry a navalised version of the Eurofighter. I have no idea what the intended missions for these ships are except an MOD press release that they will be able to help in the delivery of Humanitarian Aid. Not my immediate thought connected to the Eurofighter but there you go.
3. If the QE-class is an "evolutionary dead end", does that mean the Chinese are going the wrong direction in trying to complete Varyag? When they build their own aircraft carriers, what should their specifications be?
Have these Carriers been officially ordered?, do we know anything about them? what the PLAN wants them for? when the work is due to start? when they are due for delivery? If China is building Carriers I hope they will be lighter, faster, feature less enclosed space within its overall area, and be tasked for Air Protection ASW and Anti Ship Warfare in Blue Water operations.
On a more general note, whilst I have largely been concerned with ASM's I read with interest the following in an Article in that well known PLA fanboy rag, the Economist.
It reports the official words of an Admiral Eric McVadon, of whom it says:
By Pentagon standards Admiral McVadon is doveish
He goes on say
The Chinese are now trying to make sure that American Aircraft Carriers cannot get anywhere near (Taiwan). Admiral McVadon worries about their development of DF-21 (CSS-5) medium range ballistic missiles. With their far higher re-entry velocities than the SRBMs they would be far harder for Taiwan's missile defences to cope with. they could even be launched far beyond Taiwan into the Pacific to hit Aircraft Carriers. This would be a big technical challenge. But Admiral McVadon says America "might have to worry" about such a possibility within a couple of years.
If this marks a new category of weapon soon to enter service, one must wonder as to what degree they will proliferate and the wider effect they will have on many aspects of my argument and maybe even beyond.