The most recent "old laddy scam" is vastly different from any other scam you guys (no offence here) has experienced, or heard of, of Chinese social "tricks", of which someone "just scam you to make a living".
The difference, is COURT VERDICT.
Now before some typical sterotype tring to take place as "Did China ever have a court system that using something like a verdict?" or something in line with that, to de-rail the subject and paint the commies with certain color - Let's concentrate at the main issue here:
1. Like hell Chinese people is going to court to settle something that is otherwise settle-able. Meaning, scamner or defenders, they don't go to court "only" for a scam.
2. Like hell Chinese people expect a court verdict (court decision) signifies the most morally height standard or politically right standard that "something should be like this, this is it, the court made it like this, let's BEAR IT!". Meaning, no, Chinese knows so well that, whatever court verdict, is just a compromise of "what is right" and "what to do to maximum the right" - A compromise maybe taken by the first and second party of the suit, but "me" as a third party by-stander, don't give too much shit about, if the verdict dose NOT QUALIFIES MY STANDARD.
3. Knowing the above two, Chinese people still believes under all kinds of pressure (I assure you, Chinese common people gives a damn heavy pressure to "how law / jurisdiction works") - that under this kind of "righteousness pressure" - Chinese court would always deliver a verdict that would some what SATISFY THE MAJORITY of people. - A trust, to China's court.
Now the most recent "old laddy scam" took place at:
1. A "mere" incident by no means "should" settle at a court, yet the benifitor (the old nanny being helped) took it to the court.
2. A black & white issue of "kind people helping people" being in the "process" of, the old nanny is going to get loads of compensation from, a total non-related person, a total non-related person who offered help - a total non-related person who offered help who himself is a poor guy.
3. The court makes the witch wins... in a row of three different cases, similar situation, same verdicts.
I say, the good members here at SDF didn't grasp what exactly pissed the whole Chinese society recently, and (allow me) ironically emphasise on "COMMON MORAL" of this and that, fail to "nail the ball".
- This stuff, is way out of "common moral" topic, way out of "nowadays people don't help each other much" kind of casual topic.
- This stuff, twisted the most foundamental moral standard of common non-political-savvy people, that, this is not a scam, this is morally defining "good deeds", "helping people", is punishible actions.
- thus, it is morally good, to turn youself away, from people in needs, especially old nannys. (Three cases, three witches, three god-spit verdicts)
Guys, please grasp the gravity of this issue, grasp the concern of the foundamental twists of moral standard of Chinese society - and people's worry, of that twists.
("fewer and fewer people offers help to total strangers these days"; "every country got kind people, and cold people".. - ARE NOT THE CONCERN here.)