I do not think it is realistic for China to do something as radical as using force in the straits and expect the international community to simply let it go ahead. When a nation as big and powerful as China does something like that, upsetting the balance of power in the world's most important and fragile area, risking a massive war, poeple aren't just going to sit back and say "Oh well, they've got a lot of money so there's nothing we can do." The scenario I envision is one in which the US tries to broker a diplomatic solution while perventing an all out invasion by deploying troops, planes and carriers to East Asia. I know that at least the Us isn't going to losse so much face, let China flaunt its word with so much ease and act so aggressively. Its simply dangerous, because when the Chinese push the envelope like that and find that there is no one pushing back, there's no telling exactly how far they might push it.