Instead of just Upgrades, and about the future flankers


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MIGleader said:
better than mkk? the only advantage an mkk has over a su-27 inb a2a is the r-77, and a number of j-11s have already been modified to carry r-77.

china is definitly planning to fit the sd-10 on the plane and stop using so many russian missles.

hu, the j-11b is likely an air superiority fighter with a secondary attack role, similar to the mig-29. china may already be developing a dedicated attacker based on the su-32/34.

j-11a with r-77
yeah, J-10 pretty much has mkk beat on every category in a2a combat.
better manuverability
better a2a radar
smaller RCS
better AAM (SD-10 over R-77)

The only thing J-10 trails in is payload and range. Those are not that critical for a2a combat. That's why you see China is stationing the first J-10 regiment near India. It knows su-30mkks can handle the mkis.

As for su-32/34, it's on one of the recent Kanwa articles that China is trying to develop an upgraded attacker (JH-8 I guess?) with su-32/34's capability.


Banned Idiot
tphuang said:
yeah, J-10 pretty much has mkk beat on every category in a2a combat.
better manuverability
better a2a radar
smaller RCS
better AAM (SD-10 over R-77)

The only thing J-10 trails in is payload and range. Those are not that critical for a2a combat. That's why you see China is stationing the first J-10 regiment near India. It knows su-30mkks can handle the mkis.

As for su-32/34, it's on one of the recent Kanwa articles that China is trying to develop an upgraded attacker (JH-8 I guess?) with su-32/34's capability.

the j-10 is nto proven to have more manuverability than flankers. it is merely claimed by chengdu, which made the j-10. better a2a radar? the mkk can trak 10, the j-10 can trak 2. the new radar is not out yet, and neither is pl-12

the mkis will kick the chinese af ass unless china can get soemthing equally advanced or more(the su-35bm!)


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MIGleader said:
the j-10 is nto proven to have more manuverability than flankers. it is merely claimed by chengdu, which made the j-10. better a2a radar? the mkk can trak 10, the j-10 can trak 2. the new radar is not out yet, and neither is pl-12

the mkis will kick the chinese af ass unless china can get soemthing equally advanced or more(the su-35bm!)
That claim was made by people who saw J-10 fight against su-30mkk and by plaaf officials and published on a widely read Chinese military aviation magazine.

As for radar, J-10 tracks 15/engages 6. mkk tracks 10/engages 4.

think about it this way:
J-10 beat su-27 5:0 in plaaf's own internal mock fights in spite of the fact that su-27 pilots have been flying their planes for much longer than the J-10 pilots. I'm pretty sure J-10 pilots were not equipped with SD-10 missiles yet in those fights.


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tphuang said:
As for su-32/34, it's on one of the recent Kanwa articles that China is trying to develop an upgraded attacker (JH-8 I guess?) with su-32/34's capability.

I know that there is a JH-7b being developed, which is supposed to be a pretty major upgrade over the jh-7a. Could this be the project Kanwa was talking about?

MIGleader said:
the j-10 is nto proven to have more manuverability than flankers. it is merely claimed by chengdu, which made the j-10. better a2a radar? the mkk can trak 10, the j-10 can trak 2. the new radar is not out yet, and neither is pl-12

When the klj-3 was first publically displayed, it was claimed to have 150km range, and capability to track 15 and engage 4. The next time it was displayed it claimd to be able to engage 6-8 due to a software upgrade. In either case, it should be better than the mkk radar, which really isn't that good.


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trkl said:
I know that there is a JH-7b being developed, which is supposed to be a pretty major upgrade over the jh-7a. Could this be the project Kanwa was talking about?
yeah, my bad. You are right, it's JH-7B
When the klj-3 was first publically displayed, it was claimed to have 150km range, and capability to track 15 and engage 4. The next time it was displayed it claimd to be able to engage 6-8 due to a software upgrade. In either case, it should be better than the mkk radar, which really isn't that good.
yeah, KLJ-3 went through several upgrades. It was first developed in 1997 and is still developing. Who knows, maybe the current version is already PAR. That would be much better than N001VE's radar, which isn't even SAR.


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I think the JH-7B may be a SU-24 at best. It will not match the better fighter and aerodynamic characteristics of the SU-32/34 series.

A chinese SU-32/34 may be a good option. It can match and beat anything in Japan, Taiwan, India, and even the US in certain aspects. Only problem would be cost, I'm not sure whether I want to see 3-4 JH-7s vs. a single SU-34.


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sino52C said:
I think the JH-7B may be a SU-24 at best. It will not match the better fighter and aerodynamic characteristics of the SU-32/34 series.

I think you are underestimating the jh-7b. The upgrade from jh-7 to jh-7a was pretty big, jh-7 had 6.5 tons of payload at most while fbc-1m (downgraded export version of jh-7a) has a payload of 9 tons. I have been hearing that the jh-7b is supposed to be an even bigger upgrade over the jh-7a than the jh-7a was over the jh-7. Apparently jh-7b features more advanced materials and has reduced rcs. I think we should wait and see what JH-7b actually looks like before we assume that it is a terrible aircraft.


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trkl said:
I think you are underestimating the jh-7b. The upgrade from jh-7 to jh-7a was pretty big, jh-7 had 6.5 tons of payload at most while fbc-1m (downgraded export version of jh-7a) has a payload of 9 tons. I have been hearing that the jh-7b is supposed to be an even bigger upgrade over the jh-7a than the jh-7a was over the jh-7. Apparently jh-7b features more advanced materials and has reduced rcs. I think we should wait and see what JH-7b actually looks like before we assume that it is a terrible aircraft.
the main issue with JH-7A is still it's thrust. It is using a turbofan engine, but the thrust is just not up there. I'm guessing JH-7A is supposed to match the performance of su-24. I'm sure it does, but the question is which version of su-24?

As for JH-7B, it is designed to be as good as su-34. Who knows if it will get there. I personally think China should get some su-34s if the Russians are willing to sell them to us. I doubt it, but let's wait a couple of years. They are already offering us su-33 and su-35bm, so the fullbacks can't be that far away.

That article

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Kanwa’s sources indicate that China has started seriously studying the structure of Russian Su32 fighter-bomber. The video footage released by China’s No.1 Aviation Group revealed that China has manufactured an aircraft model strikingly similar to Su32. Structural testing is now under way. As for the background of this fighter-bomber development, China has already started the production of JH7A. But JH7A after all belongs to the technology and the design concept of 1970s. Thus, the R&D of post-JH7A is possible.

Just for reference, there are 4 JH-7/7A regiments in service, 3 are in PLAN, 1 in PLAAF

If that's not enough to swallow, check this:
Is This New?


中国最新型的战斗轰炸机“飞豹―III”型是在原机型的基础上,换装了一对和我国歼―11战斗机一样的仿俄AL―31F小涵道比涡扇发动机,最大推力77千牛,加力推力为122.5千牛,从以前的最高速度 1.8Mach增加到2.2Mach,所以新型机才改大了进气口;同时,新型机增加了空中加油系统,作战半径:从原本的1650公里增加到2500公里(两次加油),最大航程:3300公里增加到5600公里(两次加油),主要武器:两门23mm机炮,12个外挂点。载弹量7000Kg,可挂载两枚近程空对空导弹PL――5B、四枚射程一百二十公里的鹰击八号二型(C――802)









  T-4MS是前苏联“苏霍伊设计局”设计的新一代战略轰炸机。而SU-34又是“苏霍伊设计局”在SU-27基础上开发(并由SU-32FN改进而来)的一种重型歼击- 轰炸机。中国军方看中了SU-34的先进的突防和生存能力,又看中了T-4MS的远程作战能力和巨大的载弹能力。最终选择了取长补短的“T-4MS+SU -34二者结合型”方案。其研发代号为FB-2000型。


FB-2000是中国为了完成向攻防兼备型空军的需要,为了弥补中国空军缺乏远程攻击能力,缺乏新型轰炸机,缺乏加油机和缺乏海外空军基地等薄弱环节,而提出的一种具有远程轰炸能力又具有自我防卫能力的远程对地对海双重多用途重型战斗轰炸机(并非战略轰炸机,只能算轻型战术轰炸机)。在俄罗斯拉中国联合开发SU-34时,中国针对俄罗斯苏霍伊经济困境,急需中国在SU-27和SU-30等战机的定单和新项目开发费用等特殊情况下,提出了联合开发FB-2000方案,中国承担主要研发费用,但FB-2000 的知识产权属于中国(而不是向SU-27和SU-30只得到授权组装)。FB-2000比SU-30和SU-34航程更远,载弹量更大,而且具有机内载弹能力,隐形突防能力和2倍以上超音速巡航能力。目前该项目进展顺利。
Last edited:

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
tphuang said:

中国最新型的战斗轰炸机“飞豹―IIIâ€型是在原机型的基础上,换装了一对和我国歼―11战斗机一样的仿俄AL―31F小涵道比涡扇发动机,最大推力77千牛,加力推力为122.5千牛,从以前的最高速度 1.8Mach增加到2.2Mach,所以新型机才改大了进气口;同时,新型机增加了空中加油系统,作战半径:从原本的1650公里增加到2500公里(两次加油),最大航程:3300公里增加到5600公里(两次加油),主要武器:两门23mm机炮,12个外挂点。载弹量7000Kg,可挂载两枚近程空对空导弹PL――5B、四枚射程一百二十公里的鹰击八号二型(C――802)









  T-4MS是前苏联“苏霍伊设计局â€设计的新一代战略轰炸机。而SU-34又是“苏霍伊设计局â€在SU-27基础上开发(并由SU-32FN改进而来)的一种重型歼击- 轰炸机。中国军方看中了SU-34的先进的突防和生存能力,又看中了T-4MS的远程作战能力和巨大的载弹能力。最终选择了取长补短的“T-4MS+SU -34二者结合型â€方案。其研发代号为FB-2000型。


FB-2000是中国为了完成向攻防兼备型空军的需要,为了弥补中国空军缺乏远程攻击能力,缺乏新型轰炸机,缺乏加油机和缺乏海外空军基地等薄弱环节,而提出的一种具有远程轰炸能力又具有自我防卫能力的远程对地对海双重多用途重型战斗轰炸机(并非战略轰炸机,只能算轻型战术轰炸机)。在俄罗斯拉中国联合开发SU-34时,中国针对俄罗斯苏霍伊经济困境,急需中国在SU-27和SU-30等战机的定单和新项目开发费用等特殊情况下,提出了联合开发FB-2000方案,中国承担主要研发费用,但FB-2000 的知识产权属于中国(而不是向SU-27和SU-30只得到授权组装)。FB-2000比SU-30和SU-34航程更远,载弹量更大,而且具有机内载弹能力,隐形突防能力和2倍以上超音速巡航能力。目前该项目进展顺利。
1.) Whats the link for this?
2.) If the JH-7B can carry 9+ ton in payload, then that IS quite of an upgrade from the original version, but thrust is still the biggest problem, China WILL solve that, and btw, the divisions of JH-7B is stilling using the cruddy RR engines?
3.) If the Jian-10 can beat the 30MKK and the 27SK, there is NO point for China to base the Jian-11B on those the models, since the J-10 can do better and it is almost finalized, carnads and radar isnt gonna automatically inprove the plane, China needs a better frame to base it on, although the SKM is our best lead (since the mockup model carried anti-ship missiles), and Russia most likely NOT let China base it on the Su-35, China needs to pull something out of her hat to pull off this one, I mean, even the US is getting the JSF by 2010, TVC might be an option, but I dont think itz likely, btw, is there a plane that can match the MKI move for move?

tphuang said:
JH-7B... whoa 9ton+ in payload, there really isnt a pont for China do built a version similiar to the Su-34 based on the new J-11B's, just give the JH-7B better radars and tracking systems


Banned Idiot
trkl said:
I think you are underestimating the jh-7b. The upgrade from jh-7 to jh-7a was pretty big, jh-7 had 6.5 tons of payload at most while fbc-1m (downgraded export version of jh-7a) has a payload of 9 tons. I have been hearing that the jh-7b is supposed to be an even bigger upgrade over the jh-7a than the jh-7a was over the jh-7. Apparently jh-7b features more advanced materials and has reduced rcs. I think we should wait and see what JH-7b actually looks like before we assume that it is a terrible aircraft.

the original jh-7 could only handle five tons cause they used hand-me-down speys. the ws-9 supposedly had a small-medium increase in weight carrying ability, but 9 tons is redicoulous. the jh-7b mya be able to do 9 tons. a also hope the chinese can fit a close range ground attack radar on and armor the cocpit. anyone got a good site for jh-7b development?