It happens more often than you think.Why is the type 19 being replaced by the type 21 so soon? As a newbie I can't really tell the major differences.
Don’t thinking of the new set as a replacement so much as an evolution. They started testing modified type 07 pattern uniforms over the last decade with even the sharp short lived Type 15 uniform. Then the type 19 was issued but being that we have seen some but often next to type 07. It seems like what we had is comparable to what happened with the US army ACU.Generally that how most uniform systems development works. You have the initial prototype then issued for user trails. Those users cover a wide base of specialities to get as broad a perspective as possible. It’s actually kind like how drugs and Vaccines are supposed to be tested. You want as broad a range and background as possible to gage if the aspects of the product meet as much of the needs as possible. For military uniforms that means infantry, Armored crewmen, Aviation crews, medical, SF, staff personnel, trainees, Veterans, Males, females, Petite, giants,Skin types, Arctic, Tropical, dry, wet and more. To determine how durable, flexible, comfortable, capable, breathable, scalable, Tailorable, manufacturable, ergonomic, protective and appropriate the uniform is for actual long term. Even after officially being accepted and issued uniform often have new wear and modifications issued on a regular basis as input comes in. Like is the rank insignia better here of there. Should we add this or that because of issues here. Did the trousers rip or wear out prematurely because we should have added this. This new material makes it better because of X. And so on. Uniforms are in there own way a living thing, changing and evolving to match their organization and mission needs.
USMC, USN, USAF, Iraqeven the production crew of the horrible GI Joe movies did that on their patterns. So hardly unexpected.An easter egg. According to the Weibo poster, tiny maps of China are integrated in PAP's new camouflage patterns.
Rumor has it that Type 19 is costly to produce and incorporated features that are more orientated for special forces, paratroopers and specialized units, making it impractical for regular soldiers. Type 21 is a simplified, more practical version of Type 19 designed for regular troops. Apparently both uniforms will coexist in PLA.Why is the type 19 being replaced by the type 21 so soon? As a newbie I can't really tell the major differences.
Does anyone know the main differences between Type 19 and Type 21 uniform?Rumor has it that Type 19 is costly to produce and incorporated features that are more orientated for special forces, paratroopers and specialized units, making it impractical for regular soldiers. Type 21 is a simplified, more practical version of Type 19 designed for regular troops. Apparently both uniforms will coexist in PLA.
Honestly it's confusing because it seems there are several variations of type 19 in circulationDoes anyone know the main differences between Type 19 and Type 21 uniform?
I only noticed the better ergonomics for pockets in Type 21, and the desert camo of Type 21 seems darker than Type 19, the color palette is kinda similar to Type 07.
Unfortunately, you got beaten by by78:
An equipment exhibit held by the 72nd Group Army. Note the new NVG (four tubes?), helmet cam (mounted on top), a new (smart/infrared?) gun sight, and a wrist-mounted smart terminal. The original poster speculates that these are special forces soldiers embedded within the 72nd Group Army.