Populism and propaganda are the last refuge of the losing and strengthless. Hoping for pain and misery on the Chinese people and nation has blackened the soul of those who do evil and provide false witness. "Their" own codes they violate (not just the Abrahamic guys and the Hindus). I do not see how a corrupt and thoroughly brainwashed group (Five eyes and quad) calls China corrupt and brainwashed while brandishing their hypocrisy like a virtue. Brazenly and offensively... all the while calling you a snowflake for being offended by genuinely horrible things.
Many Indians (usually overlaps with Modi supporters) cheered on the hope of a "collapsed" and brutalised China and its people. It reminded "Chinese" to behave because the Japanese would rape their way through China again. At least many online Jai Hinds carried those words with glee. They laughed at how the three gorges dam was about to "break" and flood and kill millions of Chinese. We're called g**ks and ch*nkis and savagely dehumanised like being called bat munchers for fun. Half the propaganda effort on covid conspiracies and scrutiny on China providing false witness and downright lies were started and propagated by Indians. They indirectly contributed to the violence that east asian people suffer in parts of the world that aren't filled with decent people. How righteous and virtuous of these people. They have both overt outlets like WION and the countless worthless media publications doing what they do best on one end, false flaggers and their brigades of fake news outlets (as recognised by the EU) support the rest.
India is not uniquely "bad". It's a microcosm of humanity. It also proves how important proper leadership is. Turning things around for the better earns its right to rule whether a person wants to call it a divine blessing or not. Too often people focus on the small stuff when it comes to China. Like the stupid people who did the compare and contrast with India's covid cremations and the ignition of Chinese rocket. I don't think that earns the Chinese government any credit despite it having been done by a heartless morons. Most people ignore India because it's not something they care about. The western media gives it close to zero focus even when monumental changes and drama is erupting, they earn about 2 days of coverage and half the focus with a fraction of the scrutiny. This isn't to compare but to show that Indian society is exhibiting instability not because the gov can't tighten down on it hard enough. Shit just in the last three years, the Indian government has done far worse than even the Chinese CPC has back 30 to 50 years ago... but that's me not putting stock in western Tiananmen square numbers that mysteriously have changed from dozens to hundreds to thousands and then tens of thousands. Pretty sure in ten years time, they'll be saying Tiananmen massacre claimed millions of lives.
The economic miracle ain't coming for India without dramatic change in their leadership. China rode a wave of manufacturing and performed a close to optimal game throughout. Scaled automation is coming. India isn't even the alternative manufacturing centre outside of China. Indian tech levels are low and outside of space and thorium nuclear energy research they don't have any particular niches they're showing any promise in. India's nowhere in computing, nowhere in manufacturing, industrial design, electronics, shipbuilding, telecomm, automotive, aviation, energy, barely making ground in IoT and software (surprising but true) ... shit even space it's not that competitive in or competent at. Thorium is research and many nations are researching thorium reactors. No groundwork being done to make those things happen in decades time. So what is going to bring close to over 1 billion people out of poverty? Indian pharma is a drop in the ocean in the big picture. It's not even particularly competent or competitive. Increased social division and instability and decreased economic prospects. The west needs to provide a hand but may not as it looks after its own first. Meanwhile India goes from electing Singh to someone like Modi. Again microcosm for humanity. The average person is remarkably stupid and always given too much credit. He cannot be trusted to decide on anything more complex than his next meal... and even that he screws up. Some western nations no longer have true representative democracies with educated and informed populations. And these guys think it's appropriate for India to use this tool to get somewhere.
The west (read UK and US) just want to keep India as a non aligned vassal it can tap into again whenever it requires. A few squibbles of a pen and Indian leaders can be bought off. Their media will do as told. All the charges they lay onto Chinese media and yet CPC state run media hasn't lied about objective events once while India media's proven to have lied dozens of times on single topics. This is the primary reason Anglo US wants democracy for all. They control the wealth and they control the leaders. They control how information is spread and what is said. Which democratic leaders is supposed to be incorruptible. Modi was somewhat propped up as the Hindu strongman there to unite and do proud for India but the man himself is simply a let down. Too much talk, no substance.