Why do you keep imagining rich when your GDP numbers say poor? LOL
True story, when I was a kid, I worked 1 summer as a waiter. An Indian tour bus pulled up outside and the owner ran out of his office telling everyone to drop what they were doing to put the closed sign out because if those Indians came in, the restaurant would smell bad and they order the cheapest things and they tip bad too. We got there in time and had to explain to them that we are a special restaurant that closes during lunch hour... and that everyone inside made the cutoff a while back; we told them to go to TGI Friday's around the corner.
Your post is 20 years late, I'm afraid. In 2022, China has the fastest supercomputers, leading drones, AI, telecom, the only quantum satellite, honestly there's too many to list; one needs to self-research why the US is scared of China and only China.
It was; I am not insulting anyone as I am telling the truth. Today, everything China is is a result of the fastest sustained growth in human history.
Ahaha, you funny, slipping India in there. Like I said, the other 2 don't want your name next to theirs. China first copies, then innovates. the first phase is fast and dirty and the second phase is world-beating refinement. Apparently, India misunderstood and thought the first phase was just dirty and dirty.
I'm sorry... we were not even thinking about you. China's only rival is the US. You've sadly overestimated your own importance again...