Just for the fun of it I tried to draw a design to see how difficult it would be. To my own amazement, it worked much better than exspected.
I'm not at all very familiar to the construction of (war)ships...
So here is my offer:
The hull is rather high. I tried to put as much space into it to limit the size of the superstructures, thus reducing angeled surfaces (RCS reduction (?)).
At the top, the hull is sloped back inwards, to further reduce sharp edges.
The drawing should be pretty self explainetory. I was somewhat surprised how much space there was, so I think I made some compartments too small.
I have two "Helipads" at the aft (useless?). The hanger is designed to accomodate 2 Helis (Z-9, Helix), if I made it telescopic it could support more than two Helis or perhaps some UAVs.
Propulsion is two gas-turbines (water cooled).
On top of the hanger is a small RAR for Heli appr. in bad weather.
Forward to the hanger are two 4x YJ-62 launcher pointing in opposite directions.
Forward of these are two MLRS cells for decoys, ASROC like ammo or real small artillery rockets.
There are AESA RARs for areal survilliance, FC RAR could be on the mast. (?)
Then there are 8 round 6x VLS for HHQ-9. The bottom of each VLS can be swept to the aft/front to reload them from below. Next are two 32x cells for HHQ-16.
At each side is a torpedo tube.
And on the bow a 105mm gun. Now that I'm writing it I know I forgot to draw it's ammo storage and things. But you can figure it out.
can't really say what's its displacement and crew numbers.
edit: missing parts I have to add now after posting it: active bow sonar, tow sonar.
Now, to get a better generall understanding of warships, comments please ?