The People's Republic has a clear and definite policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations.
The current Iraqi situation in particular is an outstanding example of the wisdom of this policy.
I see no valid or good reason for China to use its armed forces to intervene in this conflict.
Staying neutral also avoids the dilemma of having to choose sides, possibly alienating one or the other.
The USA should shoulder it's responsibility for the current situation in Iraq and fix what it broke.
Great Britain and France also bear much responsibility for inventing what is the current state of Iraq out of the pieces they carved from the Ottoman empire after the First World War.
This unhappy situation has no winners and too many losers.
Oh you mean like China's "non-interference" in Laos over river pirates? Make no mistake about it, China's so-called "non-interference" into other countries' domestic governance is changing before our eyes, and affirms Thucydides's wisdom of "Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." Soon enough, we'll hear China making claims on how its interventions in other countries' domestic affairs are somehow acts of faiths and beneficial to the natives.