Also you can gauge where a country is heading by researching the fields freshman are signing up for, we are not creating enough engineers and scientists. Open market is good but an open market that reward quick money short term thinking and ignore long term social goals is your worst enemy.
Actually, it is very hard for many engineers out of college to get a job in the US. It's been that way for at least the last two-three years. Especially in EE, where the labor market is highly oversaturated. I think the choices made by American students and programs offered by the universities reflect on the overall trends you see in the job markets here.
Reasons such as China going through its industrial revolution and America and Britain were just as bad, is no excuse.
Actually, it more than is. And it's not just American and Britain. Look into the industrial/economic histories of Germany, France, and Eastern Europe. Heck, even look at Korea's and Japan's. Remember the, "made in Japan," stigma?
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