Yip sent texts on messaging app Telegram, saying that dates such as July 1, the anniversary of Hong Kong’s Handover to Chinese rule, and October 1, China’s National Day, were good days for killing “dogs” – slang for police officers popularised during the 2019 protests and unrest.
Yip’s text was sent a day after a outside the Sogo shopping mall in Causeway Bay, one of the city’s busiest shopping interchanges, before killing himself.
Yip, who identified herself as a “terrorist” on Telegram, also sent messages saying that “blossoming” was useless, referring to hit-and-run guerrilla protest tactics employed by protesters in late 2019. “It’d be fucking awesome to play with an M82 in Hong Kong,” she said, referring to a semi-automatic sniper rifle.
Yip also wrote in private text messages with her boyfriend at the time that she “wanted to die” and that she wanted to kill a police officer before she died.