That's never going to happen. Apple daily news and other pro-West media have been demonizing mainlanders to drive a wedge between mainland Chinese and Hong Kongers ever since the handover. Mainland immigrants and tourists have become their main talking points to incite grievances and hatred from Hong Kongers.
They blame every problems in Hong Kong to mainland Chinese from housing to overcrowded to inequality to shortage of hospital beds to slots in elite schools. So even though some factions within the Pro-West camp want to embrace mainland Chinese and gain their sympathy. It is just impossible to do so. Anti-China and anti-Chinese are their rallying cry.
Here's something that I don't think was considered in discussing the situation in HK. Apologies in advance if I'm repeating someone else's points - I haven't read the entire thread.
Humans tend to base their perception of their socioeconomic and sociocultural status on a relative comparison to people around them. That's because the fundamental behavioral mechanism is reproduction. Everything else about human behavior is derived from that mechanism and intended for better facilitation of reproduction. The best way in which it can be described is that humans are gonads with a brain for more effective use of gonads.
This means that we are more concerned with successful mating than successful living and that we will peceive everyone else as taking part in that reproductive competition rather than existing independently of it. That perception changes as individuals develop maturity, discipline and wisdom over sufficient time which is mostly achieved at older ages. It's natural progression from the child through the parent to the grandparent. Young people are not only overwhelmed by their reproductive instinct with the highest level of sexual hormones at a time when their brains have not matured yet ( because the crucial pre-frontal lobe develops until late 20s) but they are only entering that competition which is delayed in modern society.
I don't have to tell you how much harder it is to compete in a highly unequal society with restricted access to social advancement. It is even harder to compete in a society that is materialistic and consumptionist. Those challenges are very well known in Western societies and their effect can be measured in objective numbers. But in HongKong it will be even worse because for a very long time the self-image of HongKongers could rely on the notion that Mainlanders were "worse" due their material and cultural standing relative to HongKong. It was a variant of the kind of mentality that many people in India or in American South had. No matter how bad or poor the Hindu or white person the untouchables or blacks have it always worse. And even if they happen to be in a better material position they are "worse" for reproductive purposes in social terms.
This is what castes and social classes are in reality - politically managed tiers in reproductive contest. That contest is fitness-oriented which is why people will develop artificial barriers to fitter competitors from lower tiers to outcompete them for reproductive opportunity. This is cross-cultural and verifiable across history. In animals this is where speciation (inability to cross-breed) occurs.
So imagine that suddenly there's a shift in the relative "fitness" of Mainlanders due to the rise of China. Imagine that
this shift occurs within one generation. This means that when within one family the parents could augment their relative lack of "fitness" by an attitude of superiority toward Mainlanders
their children can't. The parents can be stuck in a bad place in life from the perspective of their children but they are not aware because they supplement it with their chauvinism, and they are not under pressure to perform in the reproductive contest. Their children on the other hand are stuck in an even worse place and they can't use chauvinism because at this point it's a delusion.
Add to that the cross-generational policy of predation that was implemented in the West that is boomers living beyond their means by borrowing from the future that is the lives of their children (inflation, debt, environmental exploitation).
Think about the standard problem of much of Western Europe - second-generation immigrants from MENA (Middle East North Africa) countries. Their parents are usually not a source of any problems. They see their lives as drastically improved compared to their previous conditions. It is their children and grand-children who compare themselves to their peers and have the same expectations as the Western Europeans yet are hampered not just by institutional or cultural barriers but primarily by the
relative lack of fitness of their parents. The starting point in life - the family - is the biggest factor in determining your chances of success.
HongKongers 20-years ago were like the first-generation immigrants (although that would be even better comparison to the booming pre-1997 HongKong) but their children today are like the second-generation immigrants.
The rest is just psychology applied for social control and reflexive management. So far it seems the Anglos are doing a much better job than China.
After all the mass protests in Tunisia during the "Arab spring" started because of men being unable to meet the traditional materal requirements for marriage.
Just my three cents. If people more familiar with the situation in HK can comment I'd be very interested in what they think about this analysis.