These lunatics still think they could stage another round of protests and riots after the pandemic ends. It is finished and done. Tsai has no need for you people. America has lost hope. CIA has funneled all those weapons and guns and you have failed to use them. They want an Arab Spring or Ukraine revolution not some peaceful protests.
HKongers messed up on their protests
Instead of looking for Western support, they should had looked for gathering the mainlanders support.
The Chinese Gov censors can hype up themselves all they want, but if the HKongers genuinely went for the mainlanders support with
reasonable demands, the Central Gov would be pressured to negotiate with them
Did these brainless protesters really think that the CPC was worried about the them idiotically calling for Western
What would have worried them was HKongers having reasonable arguments, discussions with the mainlanders.
The moment they started rioting, calling for HK independence, and calling for Western sanctions to China, the CPC was probably partying as that was the moment when the HKongers lost any potential mainlanders sympathy.
Remember kids, even in an authoritarian state, people's support is essential. The moment you look for outside support from hostile countries, is the moment you have lost the game.
And as we can see with the CIA-funded media, they are now all closing off and going to jail