Apple daily, known locally as poison apple. Doing its propaganda best to manipulate the news. It even now trying to entice school children by offering free copies of their trash!
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It's unbelievable and unfathomable that any country would allowed a foreigner with a deep hatred towards that country to take control of such important part of the propaganda machine!
Its with good reason media is known as the 5th armed force!
And just think, the traitor Jimmy Lai, who was born in China, fled China to Hong Kong. All the time his hatred to CCP-China never diminish. So now he peddles his anti-CCP propaganda all the time through his media empire, but all the time retained his get out clause if things get bad. He will simply upstick and goes to Canada, having obtain Canadian citizenship by money! While the rest of his troops will have to live with a broken Hong Kong that he started and encourage!
This is why I believe anyone in Hong Kong in a position of responsible position should have to give up dual-citizenship. So they are in the same boat as everyone else!
Unless, it's all intentional.
I have been saying this many times. It does hurt me to say this. I have stated my opinions a long time ago, but it was shot down quite harshly by a lot of patriotic HK'er (i presume) in this forum. I understand their sentiment, and I know this will hurt their feelings deeply.
A person like Deng Xiaoping has gone through a life time of war, be it actual hot war or internal power struggle. He is not stupid to put out the 1C2S system which even an average graduate of a political science master's degree could foresee its fatal flaws. Deng Xiaoping is a military commander and general. He is not an ideologue. He thinks in terms of cold calculated game theory. He thinks in terms of possible scenarios on a strategic level. When he negotiated for the return of HK in the 1980s-1990s, China has yet to even prove itself to be able to sustain its own economic growth. The terms he stated was 50 years. Think about this. On a strategic level, what would be the worst case scenario for China when 50 years passes?
The worst case for China at the 50 year point would be if HK, under the British common law system of governance, was able to sustain much larger growth and advances into a high-tech futuristic city state, while the mainland stagnates and lags behind more and more in every way.
This is because, if HK have been on the trend of surpassing mainland in terms of growth and development for 50 years of 1C2S:
1. The CCP would have lost all legitimacy as a form of governance, it would have proven itself to be ineffective and obsolete,
2. HK would have an even stronger voice and greater influence on the rest of China than Beijing.
3. 1C1S would have been something very unfavorable to the CCP at the 50 year mark. The CCP would either plead to prolong the 1C2S, or to be forced to remodel mainland after HK at the mark.
This is why I think it is in Deng Xiaoping's favor and in China's favor for HK for fail. And use HK as an counter-example to strengthen Chinese patriotism/nationalism and Chinese people's faith in PRC's socialist system, to showcase a failed HK vs a successful mainland. You guys might think this is draconian and cold-hearted. But for a true patriotic leader who love his fellow people and his nation, he would be righteously selfish. HKer's are as much Chinese as mainlanders, in the heart of most Chinese, they do believe this. But political leader don't think this way. HK, which is model after another civilization, with a totally different (and competing) form of governance/political system, will always be considered an outsider by a political leader.
And thank GOD, the democrats in the USA are inadvertently helping China by passing that Law. Because if you read the details of that Law they pass, the only meaningful punishment entailed was to strip HK of its special status in deal with the USA. This will further reduced HK's comparative advantage, which will see the city drop lower and lower, falling more and more behind.
Recently I read some Chinese articles which actually spelled out the same points I made. One of those made a very good analogy. The author says that HK is pretty much a "Honeypot", a terminology in computer security.