Hong Kong....Occupy Central Demonstrations....

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I don't care who you support, but this guy is an asswipe


He showed up, cried about how he needs to support family and things, then intentionally rushed into the crowd. Oh he got arrested eventually for touching the girl.


New Member
I was talking to my friend (who's in HK) and he reminded me to distinguish the students from the OC, because apparently the OC hijacked the students. Technically I got that mixed up myself too. I then asked how da F the students showed up on the other side of the sea, and he said the idea's been cooked up by the OC, not students. This seemed like more disorganization in that case. As for what the students did, I really do have to confirm with my friend to find out because he's in HK, so he can probably tell me if it's the students misbehaving by blocking up the road and being excessively rude and arbitrary, or is it the OC.

And yes...I think you can say that safely. The strangest thing is this: they arrested some anti-OC people then released them again, or refused to arrest them, or even arrest some OC people back instead. The level of preferential bias is one that I am unable to fit into a logical reasoning that decriminalizes the police's actions.

Apparently, they never did arrest the violent OC protesters who assaulted police shown in the video. If there's any preferential treatment, it is toward the OC protesters, not the anti-OC. If you're going to arrest the guys in the anti-OC camp, then I suggest you start arresting the guys who are blocking the roads, too.
I was talking to my friend (who's in HK) and he reminded me to distinguish the students from the OC, because apparently the OC hijacked the students. Technically I got that mixed up myself too. I then asked how da F the students showed up on the other side of the sea, and he said the idea's been cooked up by the OC, not students. This seemed like more disorganization in that case. As for what the students did, I really do have to confirm with my friend to find out because he's in HK, so he can probably tell me if it's the students misbehaving by blocking up the road and being excessively rude and arbitrary, or is it the OC.


I read that part twice, still don't understand what are you trying to tell :-( so it wasn't students who charged the fence, but somebody else also carrying umbrellas?? and what does "apparently the OC hijacked the students" mean?? just asking, thanks, airsuperiority


New Member
Come on, try to think in other people's shoes. Do they expect the police to arrest the people who are against them, all the while protect them so that they can continue to break the laws?? If they don't want to get hurt, get the hell out of Mongkok. Plain and simple. It's not like they're forced to stay there. Don't listen to the propaganda that floods your facebook newsfeed.
I read that part twice, still don't understand what are you trying to tell :-( so it wasn't students who charged the fence, but somebody else also carrying umbrellas?? and what does "apparently the OC hijacked the students" mean?? just asking, thanks, airsuperiority

I am really not sure. I will like to think that way and maybe it is, but I'm not sure if those were the students or the OC who stormed the fences.


Junior Member
The reason why this is a peaceful demonstration, because it is in Hong Kong and police force show very good professionalism. If a police officer gets a complaint, he is in deep shit. There is a committee that oversee complaints and also there is ICAC that overlooks for any corruption among the population including the police and the ICAC itself. If it was in any other city, any physical provocation by the protester could initiate baton beating and macing from the Police force, and would be noted as "justified".

In my opinion, some people had higher expectation when government change to CY. I had some high expectation and I was disappointed when some did not go through, but he still manage to balance it out and I was happy with that. The opposition kept targeting his credibility and kept CY from successfully enact some of the policy that he promised. This also caused unhappiness with the government by the populace.

The opposition kept targeting CY for the illegal addition to the house, which a lot of rich people and opposition members probably did the same thing to their house (Very common in HK). The Chinese pregnant women coming to HK "overcrowding" hospitals, CY put a full stop to that, and caused panic in private hospital. (I think somewhere they mentioned that hospitals back in the 80s could probably handle the amount of pregnant women, but bed slowly decline due to birth decline). The main problem about social housing, where he tried to get land from regions, he faced with opposition from the locals (social housing degrade the price of the neighboring buildings). The bridge that would connect Macau, HK and China was temporarily halted on the HK side.(This was caused by an old lady stating that the bridge had environment impact and went to court. The old lady was later found to have no knowledge on how to do this, but it was the opposition that used her as a figure head and pulling string from behind. This has caused the gov't to overspend on the bridge due to delays and material cost increase.) The most retarded case in my opinion was the milk powder shortage. People kept blaming the Chinese and did not blame the businessmen for not increasing supplies. Chinese did not suddenly overnight came to HK and buy out all the milk, it happened over a period of time, and it was hastened due to the poisonous milk incidence. CY again enacted limits on how many people can bring back to China. In the end, when all these add up, along with those that I didn't mentioned, these have negative effect on the government, but if people actually look at the details, they would definitely see what caused the current government not able to do many things. If it was the British government, things just get enacted and opposition could be crushed


New Member
I read that part twice, still don't understand what are you trying to tell :-( so it wasn't students who charged the fence, but somebody else also carrying umbrellas?? and what does "apparently the OC hijacked the students" mean?? just asking, thanks, airsuperiority

The "movement" started off as a Student association and Scholarism "class boycott". Some of them sat in Tim Ma road and nearby area for a couple of days before the OC 3 suddenly announced to start OC 4 days earlier than scheduled, seemingly to hijack the students and use them as shields:

With the students involved, the protesters can shame the police for using force against students; on the other hand, they can conveniently dodge responsibility afterward by saying those are not students but a handful of radicals when evidence is presented to you. It's hard to tell if those charging the police were students or not, but I heard people shouting "Shame on the Police! Those are students!", so it's safe to assume some of them were.

Such hypocrisy and double standard. Let's just accept the fact that the students are immature, inexperienced and easily fooled into doing someone's bidding.


He got maced after the chargers. I saw the original full length video.

You can also tell from all the broken umbrellas and other detritus as well as the formation and tenseness of the police.

Cool, any chance you have a link of the full length video? With only the YouTube clip and GIF posted, I really can't tell for sure which action happened first because I find it odd the police after numerous charges would feel comfortable right afterwards to withdraw all their clear shields. I don't think the protesters are all innocent but the clips provided so far don't tell the entire timeline clearly.


New Member
Confirmed: Anonymous declared war on HKSAR

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Saw that in the news a couple days ago. Source tells me it was HKGolden. They simply used the name Anonymous to make themselves look good or more threatening. As of right now, they mostly resort to DDoS attacks instead of other sophisticated hacking methods. Pretty low if you ask me.
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