Hong Kong....Occupy Central Demonstrations....

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Senior Member
honestly i had totally no problems with anti-OC. at one point i feel OC is sorta a waste of time, and that was a few months back. and a lot of people who took the streets were anti-OC too. in fact, even a lot of the parents of those protestors are anti-OC. we all just sorta changed our stances after watching police brutality towards high school students. and believe me, being in a defence forum there's no way i won't know what hk has is the most mellow of everything out there. however the issue is that hk has been so stable, the last time these things are used on people were from the 60s, so naturally it's considered "rough" for a society that hasn't experienced things like this for so long. second, we're talking about high school students being rough-handled. this part is what gets me the most because it's one thing if you're dealing with a less vulnerable group, but this group are still young and things.

anyways, i had no problems with people being anti or pro-OC, but i feel violence is unacceptable for either side. i also doubt the attackers are normal pro-OC folks neither. i mean, who would try to touch female students, or go that insane and keep on smashing things? i mean, would you stay for a long time to hurt people and wreck things and stuffs? you probably won't once your anger has subsided right?

and yes originally there's an area they wanted to go to, but the police condoned the area off few days ago. this is literally why people are in the streets. the HKSAR gov't forced the people into the streets by refusing the premise for them.

if that was the case, then guess what? should have publicly demanded the goverment to provide a safe and less disruptive space for the protest to go on. but instead the leaders walked away and refused to talk. like i mentioned a couple of posts ago, these guys are incapable of leading such movements. these are very good indicators that things will become violent so if anybody really care about kids, then now is the time to get the kids off the street. if they refused to go, then unfortunately its all fair game from here.


Re: Chinese Daily Photos 2014!

'umbrella revolution'



A student protester gets emotional while pleading for a peaceful resolution to the pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong
Picture: AP Photo/Wong Maye-E


Hong Kong student leaders on Friday said they had called off talks with the government after angry scuffles erupted at their huge pro-democracy demonstrations, saying police had allowed "triad" criminal gangs to attack their protest camps. The Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) said it had "no other option but to call off the talks", aimed at bringing an end to days of massive demonstrations, after "the government and police today turned a blind eye to violent acts by the triads targeting peaceful Occupy protesters".

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Senior Member
even NYT saw the anti-OC coming.
according to the poll in this article, even with the most favorable conditions, OC don't have majority support in HK.

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to be honest, there are 2 situations:

1. there are pictures surfacing of someone advertising whoever does the job gets paid depending on the damage they did

2. the police are barely making any arrests, and some even just arrest the protestors instead and let the gangs go on.

i have lost all confidence in the hk police starting last night. we don't have police anymore. this city is corrupted.
I thought the city was corrupted since the middle of the 19th century.
Show us the photo's of those "thugs" as you describe them. From the pictures above I don't see anyone wearing caps or masks. They are just locals fed up with these protesters blocking their street and hurting their business.

i had a video of it.

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The video link above is solid proof. Although not all are wearing caps, they are all wearing masks. They showed up in one group and started vandalism. The police only sometimes pull them back, but never making actual meaningful actions when it's obvious this group is trying to start trouble. It doesn't take much for people on the side to see this group of people are trying to start trouble, so should officers who are trained, supposed to allow this to happen?

HK has no more police. Just biased enforcement organization.

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【20時17分消息】旺角、銅鑼灣和金鐘下午分別有反佔中人士與集會市民衝突,但警方。現場有「良心」的退 休警察看不過眼,向記者表示,今日警察的行為與他上年紀70年代任職警隊時一樣,軍裝警和黑社會合作「做戲 」,相信「有人想擦鞋,眨一眨眼啲人就即刻知要做嘢,做咗嘢自己個場咪穩陣啲囉」。

他又說,不少退休警員對此看不過眼,但未能現身支持和平集會市民,熱心的他唯有到場支持,但他擔心香港在「 警黑」合作下,長此下去「玩完」。

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10649935_10152841097052448_7041567324642382550_n.j  pg

反佔中人士下午起在旺角打人搗亂,其中一名打人男子,被市民協助交給警員帶走,但有市民尾隨發現警員最後竟 將疑犯送到旺角道搭的士,即時包圍的士阻止,又有人爬上車頭,並高呼:「我望住佢打人,唔好畀 佢走!」

An attacker was captured by the citizens and delivered to the police, but then the citizens saw the police bringing him to a taxi, so they all surrounded him.
After a while the police finally took him back to the police station.

And I have video evidence of this one.
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下午三時許,大批反佔中人士殺入銅鑼灣集會現場,並企圖拆走上址的鐵馬。其間,反佔中人士中的一名穿紫衫的 男子,突然擠上前,抱着一名少女的大脾不放,少女嚇得大叫非禮,集會人士見狀即上前阻止。紫衫男索性瞓地, 捉實鐵馬腳不放,在場警員勸喻時,更作狀嚎哭,大叫:「我就來餓死,我一家人幸福就來冇!」

圍觀人士繼續指斥他非禮,擾攘一番,最終被警員帶上警車,而懷疑被非禮的少女,上了另一部警車,一同回警署 助查。現場有人指紫衫男是銅鑼灣鵝頸橋,以避風塘船炒蟹聞名的喜記老闆。記者即刻去喜記查詢,有員工確認相 中的紫衫男是該店老闆。根據喜記公司網站,創辦人叫廖喜,有「蟹王」稱號。

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Junior Member
honestly i had totally no problems with anti-OC. at one point i feel OC is sorta a waste of time, and that was a few months back. and a lot of people who took the streets were anti-OC too. in fact, even a lot of the parents of those protestors are anti-OC. we all just sorta changed our stances after watching police brutality towards high school students. and believe me, being in a defence forum there's no way i won't know what hk has is the most mellow of everything out there. however the issue is that hk has been so stable, the last time these things are used on people were from the 60s, so naturally it's considered "rough" for a society that hasn't experienced things like this for so long. second, we're talking about high school students being rough-handled. this part is what gets me the most because it's one thing if you're dealing with a less vulnerable group, but this group are still young and things.

anyways, i had no problems with people being anti or pro-OC, but i feel violence is unacceptable for either side. i also doubt the attackers are normal pro-OC folks neither. i mean, who would try to touch female students, or go that insane and keep on smashing things? i mean, would you stay for a long time to hurt people and wreck things and stuffs? you probably won't once your anger has subsided right?

and yes originally there's an area they wanted to go to, but the police condoned the area off few days ago. this is literally why people are in the streets. the HKSAR gov't forced the people into the streets by refusing the premise for them.
When you occupy some place without legal permission and disrupt the daily lives of everyone in the area (whether they support you or not), you cannot expect that no force will ever be used to remove the occupation. You may argue that your cause justify the cost, but you don't have legal or moral immunity against physical action imposed by the authorities, which you may call violence. The above is true regardless if the occupation itself is violent or non-violent, or how old the participants were.

Granted, this doesn't mean the authorities should use as much force as they want, or that other civilian factions have the right to use violence when they disagree. I'm also not saying that any occupy X movement is inherently wrong, because sometimes the cause do justify the cost, depending on the person justifying it. They just need to be realistic and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences. People should not fall for the idea that "I'm not violent so if anyone touches me it is always their fault". I'm mentioning this because it has been a popular thought among people's opinions.


Lieutenant General
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At a glance, it seems like Beijing's choice to be hands off in its approach is working for them, and some public opinion is turning against OC. I think if any western media calling them CCP paid or whatever are revealing ther biases unless they can come up with some solid evidence. It would be nice if the anti OC crowd are able to remain non violent, but if they are made up of small businesses, i can understand how they might feel having their livelihoods disrupted. The fact that Beijing did not use violence or even excess non lethal means (as in some western countries) there is no "moral outrage" for the outlying population to gather around.

Let's just hope there isn't too much violence between OC and anti OC, depending on how large the latter is.
When you occupy some place without legal permission and disrupt the daily lives of everyone in the area (whether they support you or not), you cannot expect that no force will ever be used to remove the occupation. You may argue that your cause justify the cost, but you don't have legal or moral immunity against physical action imposed by the authorities, which you may call violence. The above is true regardless if the occupation itself is violent or non-violent, or how old the participants were.

Granted, this doesn't mean the authorities should use as much force as they want, or that other civilian factions have the right to use violence when they disagree. I'm also not saying that any occupy X movement is inherently wrong, because sometimes the cause do justify the cost, depending on the person justifying it. They just need to be realistic and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences. People should not fall for the idea that "I'm not violent so if anyone touches me it is always their fault". I'm mentioning this because it has been a popular thought among people's opinions.

I will take a moment to think about the last sentence. I understand the disruptions is gonna anger people, but when you have thugs smashing people, touching female students, then police doing minimal about it. if they do arrest them, some are released again after. don't you know how disappointed i am with the police right now? i forgave them on 9/28, 9/29, but i lost all hopes on them, and you must understand im the type who had been supporting the police and believed they are just. we grew up learning to respect the police and they are righteous, and that's from since the days of kindergarten in hong kong. i don't believe in it anymore. they are permitting thugs not just in mk, but cwb too. the hk police should not expect they can ever fix their image again.

i don't know where you stand man, but you have no idea how disappointed i feel right now. our city is dead.
At a glance, it seems like Beijing's choice to be hands off in its approach is working for them, and some public opinion is turning against OC. I think if any western media calling them CCP paid or whatever are revealing ther biases unless they can come up with some solid evidence. It would be nice if the anti OC crowd are able to remain non violent, but if they are made up of small businesses, i can understand how they might feel having their livelihoods disrupted. The fact that Beijing did not use violence or even excess non lethal means (as in some western countries) there is no "moral outrage" for the outlying population to gather around.

Let's just hope there isn't too much violence between OC and anti OC, depending on how large the latter is.

The anti-OC crowd isn't made up of legitimate small business people. The video link up there shows a group of youths with masks smashing things. And to believe anti-OC crowd does things like these means these anti-OC people are violent and barbaric, which will not make sense because they are supposively just normal HK folks, and normal HK public wouldn't/shouldn't go to THAT extremes of continuous physical attacks on students.

No matter how frustrated one can be, I don't see continuous physical attacks and beatings on students as something a normal citizen would do. I mean, would you beat literally start people beating people up on and on?


Lieutenant General
If the students delayed talks after demanding it, it reminds of Occupy Wall Street. They were protesting against the loss of freedom yet in some cities the protestors were regulating who the media can talk to in the crowd of protestors. They didn't know what they were there for in the first place. They're bragging this was a leaderless movement? I have my own thoughts on why it's a "leaderless" movement but it just goes to show that demanding a meeting was expected not to be answered so they can use that as propaganda. Now that a meeting has been granted, the delay is because of too many chefs in the kitchen arguing.
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