I agree that it is not in the protesters' interest to go beyond this weekend. Because then they will either disrupt the economy, with attendant lose in popular support, or if they're not big enough to cause any disruption after a month and are reduced in number to a several hundred people camping in a park, they fade into irrelevance like the sunflower movement. Take popular support while it's on your side, and use it to influence elections in 2017 and beyond (it's a long game after all), that's my advice to them.
But chances are that due to the lack of leadership in the movement, a large number of people are probably going to camp out pass this weekend.
You are right. I also think or hope by this week some progress is made then everyone go home and take a nice hot shower and rest. Let life go back to normal, make some nice progress, F CY in the ass by firing him, and everyone's happy. I don't think democracy is the silver bullet to solving everything, like what that writer said, but at least we get to be in control of what we want and change how some things go. Everyone has a lot they can learn from from such experience, especially if HK goes real democratic. Plus, Beijing will actually be earning a lot of PR points from Hkers if they allow it to happen. It's really not a sign of weakness to let it happen; it shows generosity. (too bad Beijing won't really see it that way)