Re: Chinese General news resource thread
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If someone can translate that will be great, otherwise I'll do it.
It's written by a gen Z
The bolded part says "Those of you who grew up in the colonial ages love to say, there's no democracy while under Britain, so what are you fighting for? We believe the society will advance, and the gears of time is always revolving. A hundred years ago there's no gender equality, 200 years ago black slavery is legal, and for thousands of years China is ruled by monarchy. If nobody fights for things, everyone will still be the same. If by holding to the attitude of "it's always been like this", women today will still be binding their feet!"
Whoever wrote this is so articulate and the writing's so beautiful, I am thoroughly impressed.
HKers don't know how lucky they are .......
One simple question ... when HK was under British ... did HKers choose their leader? ... NO, the British Govt did that for over 150 years ....
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我們希望真正有民主降臨香港,縱然我們知道有真普選也並非絕對的靈丹妙藥,但至少政府是由人民授權,就不至於如現在般偏向權貴而漠視人民。而真普選亦象徵著真正的自由。打個比喻,你的另一半是父母先選定3人,你只可於3人中選1人,你快樂嗎?或是,你希望可以自己作主? 縱使自己選的不一定最好,但最少你有自由戀愛的權利。自由的價值並非能以金錢衡量的,我們實在接受不了俯首當白羊,一世困在牧場。
If someone can translate that will be great, otherwise I'll do it.
It's written by a gen Z
The bolded part says "Those of you who grew up in the colonial ages love to say, there's no democracy while under Britain, so what are you fighting for? We believe the society will advance, and the gears of time is always revolving. A hundred years ago there's no gender equality, 200 years ago black slavery is legal, and for thousands of years China is ruled by monarchy. If nobody fights for things, everyone will still be the same. If by holding to the attitude of "it's always been like this", women today will still be binding their feet!"
Whoever wrote this is so articulate and the writing's so beautiful, I am thoroughly impressed.