General ship propulsion

man overbored

Junior Member
Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

You may be right. On line sources conflict. Navsource, a pretty reliable source of information, has the shaft running directly off of the turbines and Wikipedia agrees while FAS has two geared turbines. I am voting you are correct.


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Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

looks like the UGT-25000 is finally fully localized in China, if you remember a while ago, China got ToT and local production for this gas turbine. Well, it's out now as QC/D-280. This should be used for future Chinese warships. One of this was already tested on 169 (it should still be on there).

We know that QC-280 is from UGT-25000, because the report of this gas turbine appeared in Xi'an Aero-Engine's securities report (short version found here
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) and Xi'an was known to be localizing/producing UGT-25000.
This is the part on QC-280
已经顺利完成了30 兆瓦级燃气轮机燃气发生器国产化研制工作,基本具备了30
QC280/QD280 燃气轮机是30 兆瓦级的燃气轮机,QC280 燃气轮机为舰船用燃
气轮机、QD280 燃气轮机为QC280 燃气轮机的工业改型燃气轮机,同属国际先进
为形成QC280/QD280 燃气轮机达到20 台份/年的生产能力,并形成较为通畅的生
调”等三大工程均需要大量30 兆瓦级工业型燃气轮机,同时我国舰船制造业的
健康快速发展需要大量30 兆瓦级舰船燃气轮机,我国已成为世界最大的燃气轮
机潜在市场。未来几年,随着国内市场的逐步开发,30 兆瓦级燃气轮机的市场
需求会进一步稳定发展,预计未来几年国内30 兆瓦级燃气轮机市场需求将会达
到20~45 台/年。
本项目固定资产投资63,458 万元,其中建设投资49,958 万元,利用原有固
定资产13,500 万元,流动资金利用公司自筹资金解决。本次拟投入募集资金
49,958 万元。
目增量投资投资回收期(所得税前)为7.9 年(含建设期),本项目盈亏平衡点
将填补国产30 兆瓦级燃气轮机市场空白。考虑本项目属于科技领先型项目、配
市场风险相对较小的优良项目。通过本项目的建设,本公司将处于国内30 兆瓦
talks about both QC-280 (which is for naval ships) and QD-280 (which is for electric generation), it says that the current goal is to be able to ramp up the production to 20 units of this a year.

and here is the website for it
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QD280燃机是在舰用燃机基础上研发的工业型燃机。该机已经舰上考核使用,性能和可靠性良好。输出功率28670 kW,热效率37%,空气流量 86.7 kg/s,总增压比18,排气温度500℃,首翻期寿命为25000小时。可用于管输动力、地面发电、热电联供等。
some performance, output is 28670 kw. around 39000 shp.
thermal efficiency is 37%
gas flow is 86.7 kg/s
exhaust gas temperature is 500 C
Initial overhaul after 25000 hours
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Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

looks like the UGT-25000 is finally fully localized in China, if you remember a while ago, China got ToT and local production for this gas turbine. Well, it's out now as QC/D-280.
I thought it was domestic. Now I'm disappointed.


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Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

This is a release from Xi'an Aero Engine PLC on gas turbine. It seems like XAE is responsible is a major supplier in QC-280, which is the gas turbine in discussion here. Some big brass from the navy showed up. A pretty important day in the history of PLAN and engine makers.







Senior Member
Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

Good to hear that the QC-280 is now ready for full production, now if the R0110 is finalized that would be even better news.


Junior Member
Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

I'm pretty sure natural circulation is used on other nuclear reactor designs. Most modern nuclear reactor designs are a mix of natural circulation and pump, the latter used in emergency or in high power settings. Even if a reactor is not advertised as natural circulation, some subs is said to be able to operate with natural circulation at low power settings.

According to this and some other sources, Narwhal had a single turbine that is directly shafted to the propeller but I guess its probably a myth.

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Natural circulation is now standard on submarine reactors for all but the highest power settings. Normal cruising is accomplished without use of coolant pumps. This was pioneered on Narwhal's S5G reactor and scaled up to the later S8G in operational use.
Narwhal had a single power turbine and no reduction gears. In order to make sufficient horsepower at a low enough speed not to cavitate the prop, the turbine was simply immense. This was it's drawback, and why that feature was never repeated.

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Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

By 1962, natural circulation reactor was valued mainly for it's inherent quiteness; reactor pumps had been a major source of noise. With a quite reactor, it was natural to avoid gearing altogether; Narwhal used a direct-drive turbine. A somewhat faster-running and less efficient propeller was accpeted. Because the S5G was more powerful than the S5W of the Sturgeons, the designers did not expect to loose much speed from either lost efficiency or considerable additional displacement.
More generally, the design philosophy was to treat causes of noise rather than the symptoms. Those sources that could not be eliminated altogether (like gearing) could be shut down at some speeds or could be slowed down; often the noise generated is proportional to the square of RPM. In some cases, equipment could be changed to avoid noise in the first place.
For example, Narwhal had a circulating water scoop. Other subs used pumps to circulate condenser water at all speeds, but the scoop (roughly analogous to an airplane's air intake) sufficed at any speed above very low. No main circulating pumps were needed. The concept was tested on board Scorpion. The long pipe involved became unacceptable under SUBSAFE rules; it was never duplicated in any other submarine. Turbogenerators were drastically slowed down.
Narwhal was quite succesful, when she was completed; however, she was not suitable for further production (e.g. because of the scoop problem). Instead, her NCR power plant became importan element of the CONFORM submarine proposed in 1968-69.

Norman Friedman


Banned Idiot
Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

By 1962, natural circulation reactor was valued mainly for it's inherent quiteness; reactor pumps had been a major source of noise. With a quite reactor, it was natural to avoid gearing altogether; Narwhal used a direct-drive turbine. A somewhat faster-running and less efficient propeller was accpeted. Because the S5G was more powerful than the S5W of the Sturgeons, the designers did not expect to loose much speed from either lost efficiency or considerable additional displacement.
More generally, the design philosophy was to treat causes of noise rather than the symptoms. Those sources that could not be eliminated altogether (like gearing) could be shut down at some speeds or could be slowed down; often the noise generated is proportional to the square of RPM. In some cases, equipment could be changed to avoid noise in the first place.
For example, Narwhal had a circulating water scoop. Other subs used pumps to circulate condenser water at all speeds, but the scoop (roughly analogous to an airplane's air intake) sufficed at any speed above very low. No main circulating pumps were needed. The concept was tested on board Scorpion. The long pipe involved became unacceptable under SUBSAFE rules; it was never duplicated in any other submarine. Turbogenerators were drastically slowed down.
Narwhal was quite succesful, when she was completed; however, she was not suitable for further production (e.g. because of the scoop problem). Instead, her NCR power plant became importan element of the CONFORM submarine proposed in 1968-69.

Norman Friedman

Would such a reactor be suitable for carrier propulsion? Of course, with 2 or 4 units or whatever.


Junior Member
Re: PLAN ship propulsion thread

Would such a reactor be suitable for carrier propulsion? Of course, with 2 or 4 units or whatever.

Is it worth the effort? Is the rest of a carrier's propulsion quiet enough, or potentially quiet enough, to make such reactors worth while? We are talking four shafts and speeds that are dictated more by wind over the deck considerations than outright stealth. It is up to her escorts to sprint and drift, and to listen intently while drifting. Would not a sprinting escort give the game away too?