Well, we've got the following GDP projections if there is a US-China war.
China: 25%-35% decline
USA: 25%-35% decline
I'm assuming Japan and Australia actively join hostilities against China.
So Japan, Taiwan would presumably suffer even more given their position. At least a 40% decline in GDP then.
Australia would be worse off than the US, but not appreciably. Say a 30-40% GDP decline
SE Asia, South Asia and the Middle East will probably be neutral and not support a blockade against China. So a 10-20% GDP decline for these countries.
Africa and Latin America would also be neutral. So call it a 10-20% GDP decline as well.
But that assumes the US will attempt a comprehensive blockade of Chinese trade. However:
90% of all raw ingredients for antibiotics come from China. That extends to raw ingredients for pharmaceutical products in general.
China accounts for 28.7% of global exports of medical products overall.
If the US attempts to block these exports, hospitals and doctors will face a global catastrophe.
This argument alone will blow a hole in any attempt to sanction China.
I'm also looking at a list of critical minerals production, where China accounts for a huge percentage of global production. That includes: Gallium, Magnesium, Bismuth, Tungsten, Graphite, Silicon, Germanium, Vanadium, Flourspar, Rare Earths, Tellurium, Indium, Aluminium, Antimony, Barite, Zinc, Tin etc.
Then China also dominates in the midstream processing for an additional set of minerals and raw materials such as Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, etc etc
Overall, the EU quantifies China with a 45% global market share of critical raw materials.
Then there are the downstream manufactured components and products which I'm not even going to attempt to quantify. One example is antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products already discussed. But in a nutshell, factories everywhere in Europe would shut down. The same applies to the US and Japan.
If the US is seen as at fault in provoking or engineering a China-Taiwan war, would the EU actually commit suicide (literally) by placing sanctions on China?
And what could a "workable" sanctions regime against China actually look like?