Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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"US political system"

In America there are (A) two cultural identities, two nations engaged in a culture war (B) two commercial teams in the service of the oligarchy that use the culture war as a cover-up mask and (C) three political parties that form the coalition that holds power in Washington (1991/2000-) "inside the Beltway".

The three political parties that form the Coalition (1991-) are:

(1) Imperial party
(2) Wall Street party
(3) "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) party

American people like all of us are mere spectators as well as victims of the political-media spectacle industry.


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Shilao and Ayi live streaming on Taiwan right now.

According to Ayi just now, 5 PLARF brigades were involved on the 4th, and the entire ROC leadership including Tsai herself went into Heng Shan Military Command Center to hide it out just in case.
Does China possess earth-penetrating bunker buster munitions for special times like these-just gotta know as digging out vermin hiding in ground is a necessary task to decapitate leadership Tsai-DPP vermin.


Registered Member
Does China possess earth-penetrating bunker buster munitions for special times like these-just gotta know as digging out vermin hiding in ground is a necessary task to decapitate leadership Tsai-DPP vermin.
Yes, I think DF-15C is able to penetrate 25m of reinforced concrete:
The skinny part at the tip is a tungsten penetrator. I'm pretty sure DF-15C isn't the most advanced bunker busting ballistic missile either.


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You still believe the MND ROC Twitter? Can you buy my $100K NFT of a polished golden dog turd? No one else wants it.

I see no contradiction here. From official PLA statement,they are conducting drills "acrossing the middle line",didn't specify how deep. They are also firing missiles towards "surrounding water",all of which are part of the exercise.

MND ROC Twitter did show PLA units on the east side of the middle line,albeit not deep,they don't show missile activities. So that means PLA could be firing missiles to those red areas,at the same time flying planes and ships in those areas indicated by MND ROC Twitter.
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