Which variant of J-10 will be sent to Thailand for the exercise?
On an important note, here're a brief glimpse of the results from a joint exercise between the PLAAF and RTAF from 2015:
The Su-27SK/J-11As of the PLAAF scored exceptionally good in close-range WVR combat, but flopped completely in medium and long-range BVR combat against the Gripen C/Ds of the RTAF.
Apart from obvious technological gap between the older Su-27SK/J-11As and newer Gripen C/Ds, poor situational awareness, judgement and decision making skills, among others, were cited as reasons to the poor performance of the PLAAF pilots in the 2015 exercise.
Besides, I kind of remember that J-10s were sent to the same exercise as well, although I couldn't find any sources to back up the claim.
I do hope that the PLAAF would score better this time around, especially in BVR combat. Also, why aren't any J-11s being sent this time?
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