My take:
These military exercises are only for a show of force. PRC will never use them against ROC.
Xi Jinping has said the reunification will be peaceful. How he is so confident about it?
* Time might be on PRC's side, but space is not (Ukraine conflict, Pakistan regime change etc).
PRC strategists know well about this & they will make sure the ROC space is always on PRC's
* PRC claims ROC is inalienable part of it. So PRC will take it back any time she pleases or
when she considers the time has come.
* Means to achieve reunification: total economic blockade, special military operations & the
like - short of civil war.
ROC will be in chaos internally & PRC's entrance of taking over the government will be
* These military exercises are for outside interferences (USA, Japan etc) during/after the
reunification; as for PRC, those interferences will be considered a declaration of war with the
war zone is (directed) on Taiwan - many advantages for PRC considering the location of
Taiwan island.
Warning on Pelosi:
- PRC's system of government is rigid. The differences between officials & non-officials are
made clear.
Journalists from the government "mouthpiece" are not officials. Hence they don't represent
government's stance.
- PRC strategists try to issue warnings as consistent as possible without making room for
contradictories. So the burdens are very heavy for them to analyze, re-analyze the
impacts/any possibilities of blowbacks/etc.
Once the warnings are done (maybe in raw formats), they're transmitted to the
spokespersons. So if there's any confusion/over warnings, the transmission/interpretation is
mostly the problem. Just my 2 cents.
- For some of us, we were carried away by non-officials "wolf warriors" that Pelosi's plane
would be intercepted/shot down. Hence the ruckus of paper tiger & humiliation.
- It may look like the Chinese is gullible & is brainwashed by government propaganda - in
peace time nobody cares as long as the Chinese is described as a peace loving person.
But it would be quite opposite in war time, one can imagine many things from the "tribe"
that invented "death by thousand cuts."
USA doesn't have strategy:
- It's difficult for one to accept this notion. USA was & is the sole super power (we're on
transitional period of multi powers).
US strategists were very rational & any strategies worked well in the past up to the rise of
Russia & PRC - the exception were: North Korea & Iran (Russia & PRC in some forms also
- When US strategies have started failing one after the other with the rise of Russia (under
Putin) & PRC, most of those strategists have become irrational & their strategies contradict
one another as if there's no strategy.
My question:
The 3rd Taiwan crisis in 1996, is there any evidence that 2 US carriers were passing the Taiwan strait during missile launches.
I saw in Youtube years ago that a PRC colonel refuted this events. He said that the carriers were staying outside the designated areas during the exercises (somewhere eastern part of Taiwan IIRC). I thought the colonel was one of the authors of "Unrestricted War."