Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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I deleted my earlier post because I thought I prematurely posted what I thought was a balanced analysis from an American military (Army) perspective due to some usual misunderstanding, intentional diminishing of Mao, the reasons why KMT and Jiang Jieshi failed in China...I had to watched the entire video and see if it's worth watching and am glad to say that yeah it is.

The presentation, analysis is as balanced one can get with China, the PLA and it's current capability. The analysts talked about China's nukes, hypersonic and ballistic missiles, the theater command structure changes, Combined Arms Brigade, new Army tactics and training etc..the 1st island chain, 2nd island chain etc..
most especially they talked about the upcoming inevitable conflict with China as a matter of when not if.

This is a "de-ideological" way of thinking for people with real intellectual potential to discuss issues, rather than allowing the biggest "arrogant" emotion in the Seven Deadly Sins to control their subconscious expression.


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I recommended it many times in this forum previously that China should flood the us with opioids , now China will suspends cooperation on cross border anti-drugs crime, time to destroy american middle class and youth with opioids

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China will not do this. China has absolutely high moral standards on the issue of "anti-drug", as well as the corresponding spirit of internationalism.


Registered Member
Big Hammer-time: This is serious, militarily.

Foreign Ministry announces 8 countermeasures

In response to US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, despite China's strong opposition and solemn representations, insisted on visiting China In the Taiwan region, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on August 5 that it would take the following countermeasures:

1. Cancelling the phone call between the leaders of the Chinese and American military theaters.
2. Cancel the working meeting between the Chinese and the US Department of Defense.
3. Cancel the meeting of the China-US Maritime Military Security Consultation Mechanism.
4. Suspend China-US cooperation in the repatriation of illegal immigrants.
5. Suspend China-US criminal judicial assistance cooperation.
6. Suspend China-US cooperation in combating transnational crimes.
7. Suspend China-US cooperation in drug control.
8. Suspend Sino-US climate change talks.

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Almost everything is a non-story here, except something quite important..
1-3. I am surprised that China even bothered talking with them after all that has happened in recent years
4-6. Boring
7. Important. Buy Fentanyl stonks!
8. Non-story. We all know what each country does or does not do to combat climate change. Given its resources and what it is willing to do, the US is indeed the most useless country on planet Earth to talk about climate change


New Member
I recommended it many times in this forum previously that China should flood the us with opioids , now China will suspends cooperation on cross border anti-drugs crime, time to destroy american middle class and youth with opioids

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I like the idea to flood the us with drugs,but I need to mention the us already has a broken middle class.
Anyway we can help to accelerate the process.
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Registered Member
Now that Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has spoken in favour of China; this changes everything. The world's balance of power has shifted irrecoverably in favour of Communist Party of China. A big sigh of relief by the Uighurs.
Cooperation or even friendliness from Taliban is actually a big boon for China's western areas, they'll hopefully stop sending fighters and creating new terror cells among the uyghurs, causing a significantly improved standard of life and safety in Xinjiang.

So while in terms of power it is a small move because Afghanistan is a small power, it can have a decent effect for more people than you think.


Ok. From 習五條 speech:我們不承諾放棄使用武力,保留採取一切必要措施的選項,針對的是
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He says that the reason why they don't promise to give up AR is due to Taiwan independence people and their separatist activities.
From last year's videoconference with Biden: 大陸是有耐心的,願以最大誠意、盡最大努力爭取和平統一的前景,但如果「台獨」分裂勢力挑釁逼迫,甚至突破紅線,將不得不採取斷然措施。
The mainland will do everything they can to pursue peaceful unification, but if Taiwan separatists provoke us and break the red line, we will be forced to pursue drastic measures.
Also from 2017 military day(建軍節): 我們絶不允許任何人、任何組織、任何政黨、在任何時候、以任何形式、把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去,誰都不要指望我們會吞下損害我國主權、安全、發展利益的苦果。
This does not explicitly threaten force, but given the context it seems apparent that military force is impled if the DPP declares independence.
“Xi has repeatedly said that force will be used against Taiwanese separatists/independence activists.”

Everything Xi said in the quotes you cited were couched in conditionals. You presented his position as categorical.
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