Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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Not sure why some members are calling the military exercises are a win because it's simply "bigger" than the ones from 1996. China's weak response to Pelosi's visit ensures there will be American interference which will then provoke a weak childish response from China's PR. The cycle continues...

China needs to act like a mature power if it is to be taken seriously.
Easier said than done. If it were too easy then Xi would have done it the way we envisioned it, but they have to constantly re-calibrate their move for whatever reasons. And people are free to cast aspersions as to what those reasons are legit or not because what matters at the end of it all is the ultimate outcome. If China is able to reunify the wayward island through peaceful means and or through the use of force that's all that really matters.


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It's beginning, like I said, more and more surprises will come out of these "exercises".

I didn't dare to predict what exactly China would do on top of it, but blockading the whole island for at least 4 days seems very escalatory even by what I thought possible.
Are blockades considered an act of war or just one level below that? Not that Taiwan is a country to begin with.
It would be act of war if Taiwan was a country.

Reagan is sailing away, there's nowhere near enough US ships to create local numerical superiority.

What will be the global message when US says it stands with Taiwan and Taiwan is blockaded with zero resistance?
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