Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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One thing to consider is that one of the United States' favourite moves is to bait its enemies into a situation that plays to the US (and the West) advantage. Consider some events of the past few decades:

- They tacitly gave Saddam Hussein the OK to invade Kuwait assuring them that they would look the other way.
- Libya and Syria voluntarily gave up their WMD programs (and thus their deterrence) because the West promised them they'd be welcomed into the "international community" with open arms.
- They backed Russia into a corner and left them with no option but to either do nothing and let the Ukrainian Armed Forces roll into the Donbass unopposed, or attack Ukraine preemptively.

And just like they baited Iraq and Russia into becoming the "aggressors" (thus justifying them being ostracized and sanctioned to hell), I'm more and more convinced that the US would have welcomed China shooting Nancy Pelosi's plane down. Because even if such an action didn't trigger Third World War immediately, sacrificing the old lady would hand the US the perfect pretext in a silver plate . Pelosi would have been elevated to the status of martyr in the fight between "democracy and autocracy". The level of demonisation of China would dwarf the current wave of Russophobia. The propaganda machine would mobilise the US population against China and give the government a free pass for everything (let's not forget that ultimately foreign policy objectives are inextricably linked to domestic policy ones).

From that point of view, China shooting down the plane played to the interests of the US and to the detriment of China's. I completely understand how disappointing it was for China to not just go for it. But as many others have mentioned, China has to be smart and methodical, to avoid falling for the traps and schemes that the US has done once and again, and bide its time. WW3 right now benefits no one but the US.


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Jai Hinds are the biggest benefactors from this regardless of what happens.

1) China does nothing (unfortunately happened) -- paper dragon Chinkis, Jai Hind.
2) Pelosi's plane got intercepted and turned away -- even U.S. is afraid of paper dragon chinkis, but we are not, Jai Hind.
3) Pelosi's plane got shot down -- U.S. owned by paper dragon chinkis, they are paper eagles. True super powa is Jai Hind because Chinkis don't dare to pull this stunt with us even after Galwan.
Jai Hind has been a super power since 2020, they always win.


Registered Member
Not sure why some members are calling the military exercises are a win because it's simply "bigger" than the ones from 1996. China's weak response to Pelosi's visit ensures there will be American interference which will then provoke a weak childish response from China's PR. The cycle continues...

China needs to act like a mature power if it is to be taken seriously.
It's not the size that matter in this case, it's the location going far beyond the median line and actually soft blockading taiwan for 3 days.

If they follow through with their military excersise.


Questioning their will to protect national security is. I aren’t confidence they will do anything if Taiwan declares independence.

Seriously, people on the internet will say anything.

The legitimacy of the CPC does not rest on the temporal fury of netizens. It rests on people who lead real lives.

Sure it's disappointing that Pelosi was allowed to land, but at least the risk of war has been averted, and we can all go about our daily lives.

I think the real lesson here is that people here need to temper their expectations. Don't get carried away with what's unfortunately starting to become an echo chamber.


Registered Member
Not sure why some members are calling the military exercises are a win because it's simply "bigger" than the ones from 1996. China's weak response to Pelosi's visit ensures there will be American interference which will then provoke a weak childish response from China's PR. The cycle continues...

China needs to act like a mature power if it is to be taken seriously.
Size is not important, location is.

If China isn't taken seriously then why is the Reagan going east immediately after Pelosi dipped? If US is number 1 and stands with Taiwan then why don't they stop Beijing from moving forces inside Taiwan's self claimed territory?

US was the one that was so immature here that 1 80 yr old who wanted a legacy forced their entire propaganda and military arm to follow her wishes instead of what's best for US national interest. She even went as far as forcing Taiwan when Taiwan wanted to rescind the trip, which surely irks the rebel leadership, when they can't even control what their "friends" do in Taiwan's house.

This whole debacle just allows China to gain permanent ground and take measures while US gets slapped with aggressor label so China can do it moves without being seen as escalating.

There's a reason US state media isn't openly cheering loudly for their "win", because they realize its mainly a win for Pelosi and a loss for the nation.


Junior Member
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Not sure why some members are calling the military exercises are a win because it's simply "bigger" than the ones from 1996. China's weak response to Pelosi's visit ensures there will be American interference which will then provoke a weak childish response from China's PR. The cycle continues...
It's not a win but an oppurtunity that can be exploited.

China needs to act like a mature power if it is to be taken seriously.
They take it serious enough to pull their resource and every trick they have to contained China progress. Just because some idiot mock China on social media as paper tiger doesn't mean White House and Pentagon really believe that.
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