Fourth Taiwan Strait Crisis

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This is bound to happen because of China's PR mess over the last few days. Its about time for China to respond with some action.

The PRC and Lithuania's relations are currently downgraded to chargé d'affaires level. There is far less at stake for China to do something to this idiot if he dares to fly to Taiwan as a Minister of Foreign Affairs.
You missed China's plan on those things. Have you noticed the exercises. Now China will be able to punish/pressure Taiwan the same way it does this to Japan with those islands

Whereas for Japan its about some very tiny islands and Japan still loses its mind when China is camping there with its ships, for Taiwan it will be the entire island of >20 million population.

Does Lithuania wants to visit? Fine, we will "soft"-blockade Taiwan for about 5-7 days, tank its economy, and then lift the blockade. How many such visits will Taiwan be able to stand?
At some point, Taiwan itself will start turning them back in order to not destroy their economy from Chinese counteractions and blockades lol

This is the brilliance of this move done by China, it will now be able to "soft"-blockade Taiwan whenever it wants to punish it
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Which is ironic because the private entrepreneurs on the mainland are extremely good at marketing themselves. There should be incentives for the younger, more global generation to work for the government.
It's a bit OT but I'd guess there just isn't much money offered by the government to do more overt propaganda.

Russia and US put a lot of money, they employ and pay salaries to entire groups of ppl like operation earnest voice for example just to pretend to be pro government people online. I remember reading, megacompanies in US (which are all aligned with the govt) actually employ far more bots than the govt itself, so there's a lot of outsourcing or private use going on.

China built it's own net with it's own rules and not USA rules. So they mostly don't need to deal with the western stuff. That means theres not much incentive to touch English speaking spaces. China has after all only recently expanded to truly global force projection.

Now is a good time to start engaging with English speaking audience, which include many who would be strongly pro-China, such as Russian emigrants, Iranians etc.

China, or more accurately, "NGOs of Chinese origin" and "private companies" can form alternative and general news sites, with the goal to excaberate tensions in the west, weaken their political resolve and spread political thought.

I think as China now moves towards seeing the West as an enemy, such initiatives will be formed, and there should be many talented young people who would wish to take such a role on themselves.

Most importantly, the CPC needs to pay high salaries for them, you get what you pay for.


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It's like how China was able to fight the Korean war even when they were vastly outgunned, their conviction and trust in their ideology carried them through. It is exactly that conviction that is at risk here, the youth in China are noticeably more patriotic then their parents that had endured the chaos of the cultural revolution, building up an image in their head of a China that is strong enough to protect its sovereignty from the West that seeks to destroy China.

But after they had allowed Pelosi to land and do her dance in Taiwan after all the warnings, their internal image of a strong China must be shaken to the core. Remember that the last time this happened was 25 years ago! Everyone born around that time would've had a completely different view of Chinese strength compared to anyone before, until now. All those wolf warrior films of patriotism and a strong military undone by a 82 year old's vacation.

I personally think that, by itself, the resetting to a more correct and realistic perception of China's strength among its youth is quite needed. I don't remember how many times I mald internally when I see people in China treating J-20 as a wonder weapon that trumps almost every AF advantage that the US can offer. J-20 is quite amazing, but.....

The rampant click-bait culture just turns people into an overconfident, emotional, and detached-from-reality crowd that cannot accept any setbacks. They almost instantly turn from triumphist to defeatist, (in my opinion) entirely, because of their warped expectation infinitely elevated by a lack of grasp on the reality. The grief stage will be over in some time, but at least the overall Chinese populace get the wake up call we needed: 1. we are not ready 2. peaceful reunification is a fantasy 3. if we want reunification, shut the f up, keep our heads down and work for it, no amount of masterbation/self-satiation can help us achieve that.


Registered Member
I don't think there's enough troops there to reflect an actual military operation against the whole ROC. Gathering that much in just 1-2 days is insane.

At the very least they need 2-3 times more.

The most I expect the exercise can derail to is landing on a few outlying islands. Of course, if Taipei shoots at PLA forces, China could likely straight up change into reunification mode, but that would require surging more troops.

Those army units are here to stay in Fujian, China will only bring more and more troops to the next exercise and so on.


Senior Member
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I personally think that, by itself, the resetting to a more correct and realistic perception of China's strength among its youth is quite needed. I don't remember how many times I mald internally when I see people in China treating J-20 as a wonder weapon that trumps almost every AF advantage that the US can offer. J-20 is quite amazing, but.....

The rampant click-bait culture just turns people into an overconfident, emotional, and detached-from-reality crowd that cannot accept any setbacks. They almost instantly turn from triumphist to defeatist, (in my opinion) entirely, because of their warped expectation infinitely elevated by a lack of grasp on the reality. The grief stage will be over in some time, but at least the overall Chinese populace get the wake up call we needed: 1. we are not ready 2. peaceful reunification is a fantasy 3. if we want reunification, shut the f up, keep our heads down and work for it, no amount of masterbation/self-satiation can help us achieve that.
I agree, I also have an issue with a lot of people's thoughts that everything the Chinese government is doing is pre-planned and any setback is all accounted for. No, they are not, Chinese leadership is not omnipotent and they are reactive just like the rest of the world, being able do 5 year plans just makes you more resilient to planned disruptions, we can even see how when things deviate from the plan the government seems chaotic, i.e every province having their own lockdown rules, the current situation.

It is not healthy to think that leadership is completely perfect and incapable of making mistakes , if you think like that you're not following a government, you're following a cult.
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