Golly, here's my view regarding Mr. Pinkov
1.Pinkov is not a plain internet source of speculations/analysis, like you and I. Reason: I don't charge people $10(??) a month for reading my speculations.
Pinkov is the author of a comercial media claiming to be the professional military magazine specialising on China: Kanwa.
So, he's oblidged to provide evidences to back up his claims and speculations.
2. After 10 years of selling his stories, he failed to establish his credibility because time has proved that majority of his stories are wrong. The reason why we can accept other parties, like Janes, to report things without solid evidences is because over a long time they have established their credibility. People know who's more reliable from track record.
So, Yes, if a medai keeps publishing wrong information, people automatically suspect every new article coming out of it. Isn't it natural?
Lastly, the special reason why chinese internet forums dislike him is to do with his blatant stealing free pictures and information then sell them as his own.
I am tired of talking about this stealing issue any more. But there's one thing I really feel angry, it's this 054A: you guys can still find his first article about 054A on this forum and CDF. In that article, he talked about the 2 SAM radar configuration and other, which is laughable. He said, as usual, he got information from Russia, and he even got a CG from them too. But that CG was a work of a famous chinese military fan who died of cancer less than 1-2 years before he wrote his article. The chinese guy's internet ID was deliberately erased but if you manify it you can still see it. When the chinese guy, MR Yan Huang, did his CGs, the information on 054A was still vague. He painted the picture with his own imagination, which only consists 2 SAM radars. And That's how Pinkov got his Russian information on 054A. That's a very low life behaviour.