Re: Type 054 FFG status
Helicopters is always a pressing issue for the PLAN.
I'd think that each PLAN ship with a hangar should have its own helicopter and aviation crew...which would be attached to that ship for long term (if not permanent) deployment. Therefore, ship and helo would get to work more often together, and thus familiarity between ship and its own helo would make ASW ops more efficient. At the moment, if PLAN ships have to share round helos etc, it makes efficient operations quite difficult.
You know its not just bout technology and aircraft, to me, it is quite important for the ship's captain and helo pilots on that ship to have an understanding of each in tactical situations, that pilot would know what he is expected of, and that captain can know that pilot will do the job and follow his commands.
This is important for destroyers and frigates anyway...of which the PLAN possesses 14 destroyers and 17 frigates that all possess a hangar...
Auxilaries aren't so important...the Z-8 does a good job in that area.