Nice post chicet9, welcome to the club...
Sorry sidius, but thats pretty weird to say. China cannot build its navy to compete only Taiwan any longer in 21st century. And the PLA main heads sees this and luckyly the emphasis of the navy has moved towards blue water navy, and in that contest Chinese forces migth encounter threads of more uncertain nature. Remember that Japan has over 20 subs, all of them superior to the bulk of chinese subs, never the mention of US nuclear fleet that cannot be encountered whit WWII era coastal forces.
The current trend in the international naval legue is sub-surface, as the potential of modern air arm (in hands of US) has become more and more superior in against surface units. In cost effective perspective, its hardly if not at all wise to go on for expensive AAW units and own aircraft carrier capapility, as the subs offers lot more potential in lot cheaper prices.
Thougth this dictates mostly strategies of US aversors, it nevertheless doesent outclude US importance of Submarine arm, nor does it outclass any other potential adversos that china migth face. PLAN has finaly managed to lift of from its single purpose nature that has been more harm than good for china, But it cannot cope against modern forces whitout state of the art ASW systems. Currently almoust all ASW devolpment has been placed in ice after the retirement of vast Soviet submarine fleet and cold war in general, but china cannot let changed political circumstances out of its perspective to dictate its own defence requirments. the most important step in the road that PLAN has now taken is to produce a respectfull fleet of basic oceanic escorts and hunter-killer groups of submarines and surface units, packed up whit airborne units to encounter any possiple submarine thread.
Only afterwards, its reasonable to go on for mass production of AAW units to defend carrier task groups as well the ASW forces
Your mentioned big ocean going destroyers arent in any use...but to be big and go oceanic...956Es were designed in totally different purposes that chinese fleet could ever field them, Luhus and Luhais are little above presidental-yatch status against modern japanese, south korean and US surface units and submarines. Whiout modern ocean going ASW escorts, this fleetupgrade whit possiple carrier, is no use, and will go bottom before anyone gets change say anything...