FFG 054/054A Thread

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Jane's article on it, public extract:
China launches Russianised Jiangkai-class frigate

By Yihong Chang JDW Correspondent
Hong Kong

Huangpu shipyard launched the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN's) third Type 054 Jiangkai-class frigate on 30 September, a modified 'Russianised' version of the class known as the Type 054A.

The Guangzhou-based shipyard has started outfitting the ship with the Russian Mineral-ME (NATO: 'Band Stand') radar system, a Fregat M2EM ('Top Plate') search radar and two MR90 Orekh ('Front Dome') targeting radars. As a result, the new frigate has much stronger Russian characteristics than its earlier sister ships.

Both Mineral-ME1 active and Mineral-ME2 passive radars have been fitted to the ship to provide target designation for the YJ-83 'Saccade' anti-ship missile. Mineral-ME1 works in I-band and is capable of simultaneously tracking 30 targets out to 250 km, while ME2 can track 50 targets working across I, G, E, F, and D-bands up to 450 km. With the targeting function engaged, the system can work up firing solutions for 10 different targets.


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YC should learn how to count or at least wait for more pictures before publishing stuff he doesn't know. There are 4 Orekhs not 2.


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I honestly didn't think highly of these pictures until the threads posting these got removed.



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The first pic might be more important. Could be the structural frames for the VLS, set on the side. Looks like 2x8 cells here, and four of them. 32 cells in all.


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The first pic might be more important. Could be the structural frames for the VLS, set on the side. Looks like 2x8 cells here, and four of them. 32 cells in all.

You mean 2x4 cells? According to the author of photos, that's exactly what they are - HQ-16 VLS frames. It seems that the guy is working at the shpyard and might get in real trouble.:nono:


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the guy is in trouble imo. The speed that those threads got shut down in that forum tells me he must be sending off stuff that he should not be.

This is what he wrote about the VLS
054A冷垂发详细介绍 22,qsLt
文字文字[冷垂发也可以不必用左轮 Zy2xywj *0nbP8D
n*?=aY G2(nY)9
typically, hot launch is thought to be like MK-41, MK-48 like box style vertical launching position. Typical launch is like Soviet's left wheel? vertical launching system
可是我以为冷垂发也可以不必用左轮方式。 新垂发系统的发射箱体在发射导弹时,导弹在发射筒内不直接点火,而是借助导弹发射筒底部的燃气发生器产生动力推动导弹起飞。
but I don't think cold launch has to use the soviet style. The new VLS's box style launching, when in launch, missile does not direct ignite fire in launch, but rather uses launcher bottom's lighting tool to create motion to push to fly out.
This lighting tool is at the bottom of the missile launcher. On top of it is a something like "Pneumatic cylinder" device?When gas pressure reaches a certain level, this can push the stationary rack to move upward and missile also has upward motion, goes through the cover and missile leaves. (the missile lights up in the sky, no matter whether ignition is successful, the missile will be pushed at least 100 m from launching area)
当燃气发生器把导弹打出去时,发射筒就有一个向下的后座力。发射筒悬挂在第二层板面上,因此第二层板面是发射时后坐力的受力面。第二层板面和悬挂的发射筒不是固定在箱体的四个主支柱上,而是支撑在X型的支架和4个主支柱的连接点上,感觉箱体骨架结构的连接点都是活的,X型的支架和上面支撑的两层板面及悬挂的发射筒是可以上下移动的。4个主支柱之间用X型的支架连接,形成箱体的主体骨架结构肯定是用弹性很好又不易变形的弹性钢材制成的。第二层板面产生的后坐力不是压在四个主支柱上,而是压在支撑的 X型支架和四个主支柱的连接点上。第二层板面产生的后坐力会使X型支架向下移动,并使整个箱体产生轻微变形,因为箱体的结构骨架很象弹簧,可能还有液压缓冲,会把第二层板面产生的后坐力卸掉并恢复原来的形状。用整个箱体的结构骨架把第二层板面产生的后坐力卸掉,我想这就是新垂发系统的发射箱体的卸压原理吧。
now, it just talks about different levels, probably not as useful

i will try to translate later, but this is talking about cold launch VLS on 054A. Again, just speculation, believe it whatever you choose to believe.


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The first pic might be more important. Could be the structural frames for the VLS, set on the side. Looks like 2x8 cells here, and four of them. 32 cells in all.

Well, I hope that the cells are on a lower deck level than the railing in the foreground because otherwise the SA-N-12s are milkbottle rockets.

But going by the proportions of the SA-N-12, I'd guess that we are actually only looking at 16 cells, with two frames stacking one on top of the other.

Also, is this a picture of the VLS modifield Shtil missile?


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Some internet sources are saying that the 054C has this 76mm gun instead of the 100mm. I won't be convinced until we see it on the ship. I got this off Key Publishing forum which is generally a good source:
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